Sunday 6.16.24

Sunday Funday' Sticker | Spreadshirt
Sunday Funday
General Warmup
3 Rounds of:
200m Run/250m Row/500m Bike
1 min Samson and Reach
1 min Spiderman and Reach
10 Air Squats
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 Around the Worlds (each direction)
10 Scap Pull-Ups
5-10 Pull-ups or Ring Rows
1 min Childs Pose
1 min alt. Scorpion stretch
10 Push-Ups

Makeup any workout you missed during the week!

Box Brief
TILT Community Hike
-Sunday 6/16 @ 10:00 AM at Tippling Rock.
Click Here for Details

Jack Richard Urban Foundation Ride This Sunday, June 16th at TILT Waltham we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit” to raise funds and awareness for Jack Urban and his cause, the rare disease Non-Ketotic Hyperglicinemia (NKH). On June 13th Jack turned three and continued to defy the odds of this curable, but underfunded disease.
Together we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit.” We’ll have heats going off at 9, 10 and 11 but riders are welcome to jump on bikes anytime they’d like. It’s about a 30 minute ride so bikes are likely to open up on the half hour. Riders are asked to make a donation to the Jack Richard Urban Foundation of at least $20.

Saturday 6.15.24

Give me a high 5 if you love this workout!

5 Toes To Bar
3 Box Jumps @30/20″
1 Power Snatch @155/105

Workout Guidance
Love a good short rep scheme AMRAP!
Today the toes to bar will feel free, you’ll breath through the box jumps, and focus on that one heavy-ish power snatch.
Then it’s Treat Yo Self Saturday!
Go grab special coffee after class with your besties!

Box Brief
TILT Community Hike
-Sunday 6/16 @ 10:00 AM at Tippling Rock.
Click Here for Details

Jack Richard Urban Foundation Ride This Sunday, June 16th at TILT Waltham we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit” to raise funds and awareness for Jack Urban and his cause, the rare disease Non-Ketotic Hyperglicinemia (NKH). On June 13th Jack turned three and continued to defy the odds of this curable, but underfunded disease.
Together we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit.” We’ll have heats going off at 9, 10 and 11 but riders are welcome to jump on bikes anytime they’d like. It’s about a 30 minute ride so bikes are likely to open up on the half hour. Riders are asked to make a donation to the Jack Richard Urban Foundation of at least $20.

Friday 6.14.24


A Lil’ Sum Something
7 Hang Power Cleans
7 Front Squats
#= 205/145

Workout Guidance
Good things come in small packages. Take for instance the ant… Here are 5 fun facts about ants!
– There are more than 12,000 different types of ants all over the world!
– Ants can lift 20 times their own body weight.
– Ant colonies are run by a single queen ant, who control all the other ants.
– Some queen ants can live for many years and have millions of babies.
– Ants don’t have ears.
Treat today like a heavy weightlifting day.
Challenge yourself to find a heavy load for the hang power clean and front squat.

Box Brief
TILT Community Hike
Sunday 6/16 @ 10:00 AM at Tippling Rock.
Click Here for Details

Jack Richard Urban Foundation Ride This Sunday, June 16th at TILT Waltham we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit” to raise funds and awareness for Jack Urban and his cause, the rare disease Non-Ketotic Hyperglicinemia (NKH). On June 13th Jack turned three and continued to defy the odds of this curable, but underfunded disease.
Together we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit.” We’ll have heats going off at 9, 10 and 11 but riders are welcome to jump on bikes anytime they’d like. It’s about a 30 minute ride so bikes are likely to open up on the half hour. Riders are asked to make a donation to the Jack Richard Urban Foundation of at least $20.

Thursday 6.13.24


R & R
For Time:
1000m Run
1000m Row
800m Run
800m Row
600m Run
600m Row
400m Run
400m Row
200m Run
200m Row

Workout Guidance
Rest and Relaxation…Running and Rowing…Rest and Recreation…
Reward and Recognition…Revise and Resubmit…
Whatever it means to you today is going to be an absolute blast.
Long grind so buckle up and wear your running shoes.

Box Brief
TILT Community Hike
Sunday 6/16 @ 10:00 AM at Tippling Rock.
Click Here for Details

Jack Richard Urban Foundation Ride This Sunday, June 16th at TILT Waltham we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit” to raise funds and awareness for Jack Urban and his cause, the rare disease Non-Ketotic Hyperglicinemia (NKH). On June 13th Jack turned three and continued to defy the odds of this curable, but underfunded disease.
Together we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit.” We’ll have heats going off at 9, 10 and 11 but riders are welcome to jump on bikes anytime they’d like. It’s about a 30 minute ride so bikes are likely to open up on the half hour. Riders are asked to make a donation to the Jack Richard Urban Foundation of at least $20.

Wednesday 6.12.24


Jimmie Chip-Wood
For Time:
150 Double Unders
125 Sit-Ups
100 Box Step-Ups @ 24/20″
75 Deadlifts @115/80
50 Burpees
25 Strict HSPU

Workout Guidance
I’ve heard “Chippers” described as a grocery list of fitness or a workout that makes
your body feel like it’s been through a chipper…
So which is it? It’s both actually. Claire – Did you say your name was Jim or Gem? James – Well, huh, it’s kinda both.
The teacher’s use to always say “Here take this one. He’s a gem.”
Love this workout today. Everything will be building until you get to the strict handstand push-ups at the end.
Should be a fun one!

Box Brief
TILT Community Hike
Sunday 6/16 @ 10:00 AM at Tippling Rock.
Click Here for Details

Jack Richard Urban Foundation Ride
This Sunday, June 16th at TILT Waltham we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit” to raise funds and awareness for Jack Urban and his cause, the rare disease Non-Ketotic Hyperglicinemia (NKH). On June 13th Jack turned three and continued to defy the odds of this curable, but underfunded disease.
Together we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit.” We’ll have heats going off at 9, 10 and 11 but riders are welcome to jump on bikes anytime they’d like. It’s about a 30 minute ride so bikes are likely to open up on the half hour. Riders are asked to make a donation to the Jack Richard Urban Foundation of at least $20.

Tuesday 6.11.24


5 For 5
5 Power Snatches @ 95/65
10 Pull-Ups
15/12 Cal Row
-Rest 5:00-
10 Power Snatches
20 Pull-Ups
30/24 Cal Row
-Rest 5:00-
15 Power Snatches
30 Pull-Ups
45/36 Cal Row

Workout Guidance
Here you are doing your food shop at Wholefoods and they are having a 5 for $5 on champagne mangos. What. A. Day! You get to the checkout line and the deal is for Prime members only…no biggie you have Prime…wait…you don’t have your phone…it’s not linked to your phone number…now instead of being 5 for $5 it’s 5 for $55…you ask the employee nicely if they’d give you a scan…they’re not budging…you look around trying to make eye contact with anyone to help you out…no one is there…you’re completely alone…you know what to do…get on the floor and throw a fit until they give you the deal you’re looking for…
you can never go back to that Wholefoods but it was all worth it for the 5 for $5.
Pick a weight on the snatches that you can cycle and pull-up mods that will allow you to move and groove today.
With the 5 on 5 off style you can go hard and then recover. Let’s have some fun.

Box Brief
TILT Community Hike
Sunday 6/16 @ 10:00 AM at Tippling Rock.
Click Here for Details

Jack Richard Urban Foundation Ride This Sunday, June 16th at TILT Waltham we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit” to raise funds and awareness for Jack Urban and his cause, the rare disease Non-Ketotic Hyperglicinemia (NKH). On June 13th Jack turned three and continued to defy the odds of this curable, but underfunded disease.
Together we will do a C2 bike workout called “The Tour de Misfit.” We’ll have heats going off at 9, 10 and 11 but riders are welcome to jump on bikes anytime they’d like. It’s about a 30 minute ride so bikes are likely to open up on the half hour. Riders are asked to make a donation to the Jack Richard Urban Foundation of at least $20.

FREE Running Mechanics and Strength Seminar

FREE Running Mechanics and Strength Seminar

When: Saturday, 6/29 at 10:00 AM
Where: TILT Waltham – 40 Jones Road
Cost: FREE for all TILT Members, Friends, and Family!

Come learn about..
-Pain with running
-Running Mechanics
-Common Injuries
-Strength Training for Runners
-General Orthopedic injuries
-Running drills and performance

Introducing the newest addition to the BEFORM Physical Therapy Team – Dr. Erika! 

Erika is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who will bring a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to our team.

With a background in treating an orthopedic and sports population, and a CrossFit Athlete herself, we are pumped to bring a fantastic asset to our community here at TILT.

A little bit about Dr. Erika:

  • Background: she graduated from Northeastern University with her Doctoral Degree in physical therapy and has been treating in and around the Boston area since. She recently worked at a clinic specializing in runners, so all you TILT runners, she’s your gal!
  • Skills: she loves combining her advanced skills in manual therapy and spine management to help empower patients to get back to doing what they love
  • Interests: as well as doing CrossFit as her primary means of exercise, she also enjoys yoga and plays in a Rec Softball league!

We are excited to see the positive impact Dr. Erika will make and look forward to the innovative ideas and enthusiasm she will bring.

Please join us in giving Dr. Erika a warm welcome, as you’ll see her joining as a member of our community gyms!
Feel free to drop a comment and say hello!

To help celebrate her as well, we are offering a $50 evaluation through the end of June, and 10% off our 10-session package!

Send a message to Dr. Brit directly or email at to get on her schedule or find out more 🙂

Monday 6.10.24


For Load:
Build To A Heavy 3 Back Squat
(1 3-Sec Pause + 2 Normal)


2/2/2, 4/4/4, 6/6/6…
Goblet Squat @ 53/35
Box Jump Over @ 24/20″
Hand Release Push-Up

Workout Guidance
Starting the week with squats is like starting the day off with a good breakfast. Sure you need to put a little extra effort in but you’ll never regret it. And I’m not talking about a crappy bowl of cereal…I’m talking eggs, fruit, COFFEE, maybe a slice of sourdough, a chicken sausage or two, shoot toss some yogurt on the fruit and you’ll cooking.
Now imagine you have that breakfast and head to the gym to squat… You’ll be a gosh darn super hero!
And I mean a real superhero not like Batman…
On this two part day let’s hit something heavy-ish to start
and then pick weights and modifications that will allow us to move well for the 12 min AMRAP.

Box Brief
TILT Apparel Pre-order
Sign-up at the front desk for our new apparel order!
Sign-up deadline June 10th

Sunday 6.9.2024

SUNDAY FUNDAY • Chattahoochee Food Works

Sunday Funday
General Warmup
3 Rounds of:
200m Run/250m Row/500m Bike
1 min Samson and Reach
1 min Spiderman and Reach
10 Air Squats
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 Around the Worlds (each direction)
10 Scap Pull-Ups
5-10 Pull-ups or Ring Rows
1 min Childs Pose
1 min alt. Scorpion stretch
10 Push-Ups

Makeup any workout you missed during the week!

Box Brief
TILT Apparel Pre-order
Sign-up at the front desk for our new apparel order!
Sign-up deadline June 10th

TILT Community Hike
Sunday, 6/9 @ 10:00 AM at Tippling Rock
Click Here for Details

Pop Up Yoga Class
Sunday, 6/30 @ 8:00am at TILT Waltham

Saturday 6.8.24

Riley” WOD

For Time:
1.5 Mile Run
150 Burpees
1.5 Mile Run

Workout Guidance
Army Sgt. 1st Class Riley G. Stephens, 39, of Tolar, Texas, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), died Sept. 28, 2012, in Wardak, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by enemy small-arms fire.
Stephens is survived by his wife, Tiffany; three children, Austin, Morgan and Rylee Ann; parents,
Michael and Joann; brother Ken; and a number of family members.

Box Brief
TILT Apparel Pre-order
Sign-up at the front desk for our new apparel order!
Sign-up deadline June 10th

TILT Community Hike
Sunday, 6/9 @ 10:00 AM at Tippling Rock
Click Here for Details

Look Good Feel Good Class
Saturday 6/8 @ 7:00 AM at TILT Southboro
Cost: $20 – no signup needed

Pop-Up Yoga Class
Sunday 6/30 @ 8:00am at TILT Waltham