Sunday 6.16.24

Sunday Funday General Warmup 3 Rounds of: 200m Run/250m Row/500m Bike 1 min Samson and Reach 1 min Spiderman and Reach 10 Air Squats 10 PVC Pass Throughs 10 Around the Worlds (each direction) 10 Scap Pull-Ups 5-10 Pull-ups or Ring Rows 1 min Childs Pose 1 min alt....

Saturday 6.15.24

Odd-Acity AMRAP 20 5 Toes To Bar 3 Box Jumps @30/20″ 1 Power Snatch @155/105 Workout Guidance Love a good short rep scheme AMRAP! Today the toes to bar will feel free, you’ll breath through the box jumps, and focus on that one heavy-ish power snatch. Then it’s...

Friday 6.14.24

A Lil’ Sum Something AMRAP 14 7 Hang Power Cleans 7 Front Squats #= 205/145 Workout Guidance Good things come in small packages. Take for instance the ant… Here are 5 fun facts about ants! – There are more than 12,000 different types of ants all over the...

Thursday 6.13.24

R & R For Time: 1000m Run 1000m Row 800m Run 800m Row 600m Run 600m Row 400m Run 400m Row 200m Run 200m Row Workout Guidance Rest and Relaxation…Running and Rowing…Rest and Recreation… Reward and Recognition…Revise and Resubmit… Whatever it means to you today is...

Wednesday 6.12.24

Jimmie Chip-Wood For Time: 150 Double Unders 125 Sit-Ups 100 Box Step-Ups @ 24/20″ 75 Deadlifts @115/80 50 Burpees 25 Strict HSPU Workout Guidance I’ve heard “Chippers” described as a grocery list of fitness or a workout that makes your body feel like it’s been...