Chest to bahhh pull-ups
June Goals!
Post your June goals here! Make sure they’re S.M.A.R.T.
Time Bound
Did you set May Goals? Click HERE to check them out and grade yourself! How’d you do this month?
Chest to bahhh pull-ups
June Goals!
Post your June goals here! Make sure they’re S.M.A.R.T.
Time Bound
Did you set May Goals? Click HERE to check them out and grade yourself! How’d you do this month?
May Goals:
Perfect score on the nutrition challenge – C
Fruit no more than 2x p/week – A
One interval per week – A
One “burner” per week – C
I would’ve been real happy with this report card in high school!
June Goals:
20 rep front squat 1x a week (linear progression)
20 rep back squat 1x a week (linear progression)
300 GHDs + 300 Hip Ext per week
Read one book
Go to sleep by 9pm 3x a week
75 consecutive double unders per week.
20 reps of perfect form lipping pull ups per week
3 ring muscle up reps per week
Maintain nutrition plan to obtain lean mass
1) Push Ups = Develop and execute push up progression plan
2) Increase engine = Execute weekly cardio/metcon conditioning intervals
3) Identify 1 RM = Cleans, Deadlifts
4) Bar Progressions = complete 10 shoulder shrugs, 10 KTBar 3x per week.
June Goals:
1.) String together 30 unbroken double unders
2.) Get my 5k time back under 25 min
3.) Max bench 200 using the Wendler cycle (bro out after)
4.) Get a badass avator for these posts
May Goal Scores
-Perfect score on the challenge – F (3 zeros in Seattle… Ouch)
-String together 5 muscle ups – will test this weekend, although I did get strict muscle ups this month which I was not expecting to do!
-Practice more control in the handstand walk. I want to make 5 steps with a decent level of control. – B (I got five steps but it’s not consistent or super controlled)
-wear short shorts once a week – A+ (nailed it)
June Goals
Time to work on strict strength
-Wendler Cycle for Squat, Bench Press, and Overhead Press once a week.
-Continue Practicing Handstand walks 3 days a week for 5 minutes.
-Practice form in the OHS, Snatch, and C&J. I have to stop landing like Patrick Star. Sunday Funday will be skill work on these movements with light weight practicing position progression and landing properly.
1. Continue gtg pushups, hit 45 unbroken & 2:00 plank -> 1/3. sporadic after mid-may, max pushups 40, plank 2:00
2. sets of 5 strict C2B, consistent ring & bar muscle up w/out ceremony. 1/3. 3 c2b, ring-only
3. complete 2 benchmarks picking from Angie, Fran, Eliz, Murph. 1/2. mini-murph ‘cuz back tweaked. But PR on “DT”, “Adderall”, and got “Sugar Daddy” 7:45rx.
4. 135# snatch, 215# clean, 195# clean&jerk. (5/5/10# pr) -> 1/3. 140 snatch PR, did not retest clean or jerk.
unplanned: “Sugar Daddy” 7:45rx, Adderall, DT. + comptrain 3-4 d/week. (+2)
overall: 4 out of 11 goals, +2 bonus. getting better w/ pushups+thrusters+ kb press.
1. GTG: 50 pushups, 5 strict c2b. 3:00 plank.
2. skills: consistent bar mu singles, 50 unbroken DU.
3. benchmarks: practice OSMT wods at least once, ideally 2x. comp july 9.
4. Oly: 145 snatch, 215 clean, 195 clean+jerk.
May Goals
At least a 4 point average a day throughout nutrition challenge. – Perfect points so far. A
At least 15 check ins at CF TILT – Got 25 check ins! A
10 unbroken strict pull ups – tested this today before class. I was able to get 10, but had to stop at a dead hang a couple of times – B
June Goals
100 unbroken DU’s
Run a sub 25 min 5K
225# Clean and Jerk.
June Goals:
1. Practice pull-ups at least 4 times in June (10 sets of 5 with purple band)
2. Do a minimum of 5 WODs each week
3. Visit a box in Berlin, Germany, do the WOD, and get a picture with the class in my Tilt t-shirt
4. Eat clean (nutrition challenge style) with one cheat meal/food per week
May Goals Post Mortem:
1. Perfect score in nutrition challenge – A
2. Lose net 12lbs; gain at least 3lbs muscle – A (not sure muscle gain, but lost 3+% body fat)
3. Do not mod running portion of any WODs – A
4. 10 consecutive DUs – D (maybe 6?)
5. Work burpees on any/all goat days–goal consistent 10 per round – A- (Only worked on these 1X outside of regular WODs, but we did a ton of these during May WODs. Probably most noticeably improved movement in my benchmark workout.)
6. Do not lick fingers while making Sosie’s birthday cake (see #1) – A+
June Goals
1. Continue clean eating (challenge style) with 2 cheat meals per week
2. WOD at least 5X/week
3. Log workouts consistently in MyWOD app
4. Work ring rows consistently to achieve 1 kipping pull-up
5. Intro one new challenge-style recipe meal/week
Better late than never
May Goals grade list
– Eat Clean = A- {At least Body fat % went down}
– 3 Straight arm kipping MUs: A, I definitely got this
but I need string’em together multiple times in a WOD
– Continue Hatch Squat program -> Strengthen injured right knee = D- I took a break from squating
June Goals:
a) Continue eating clean but not as stringent as May
– Now suffering from post nutrition challenge withdrawal
b) Improve my rowing technique and speed
– 2 min pace continuously during a WOD
c) Get back on the Squat program twice a week
– Strengthen right knee
d) Kipping MUs: 4 reps for 4 Rounds
e) Strict MUs: 5 in a row
f) If (e) achieved at least 1 strict weighted MU
g) 1 bar MU
h) Continue HS progression
j) THE IRON CROSS! (Just kidding)