July Goals!
Post your July goals here! Make sure they’re S.M.A.R.T.
Time Bound
Did you set May Goals? Click HERE to check them out and grade yourself! How’d you do this month?
Feeling lost setting goals for yourself? Schedule time with your coaches (Max or Brian) and make a plan!
June Goals:
20 rep front squat 1x a week (linear progression) – F
20 rep back squat 1x a week (linear progression) – F
300 GHDs + 300 Hip Ext per week – A
Read one book – A
Go to sleep by 9pm 3x a week – A
Overall pretty good on my June Goals except for the 20 rep squats…sigh…ok well here goes July!
July Goals:
No sugar or alcohol M-F (have not been drinking a lot but things have been slipping and I need to dial it back in)
Take class at least 3x a week and vary times taking class (most important part is working out with all of you and I need to do that more)
Complete Tabata Hollow Rocks 1x a week
Read one book
June Goals Post-Mortem
1. Continue clean eating (challenge style) with 2 cheat meals per week – B+ (maybe sometimes 3/week, but mostly on track)
2. WOD at least 5X/week – A
3. Log workouts consistently in MyWOD app – A
4. Work ring rows consistently to achieve 1 kipping pull-up – D (did a lot of ring rows, haven’t got the pull-up yet)
5. Intro one new challenge-style recipe meal/week – D (same old, same old)
July Goals
1. Ditch the soft box
2. Continue to work that 1 kipping pull-up through ring rows
3. Don’t go too far off the nutrition rails during Wellfleet weekend with the Hugets
June Goals:
1) Push Ups = Develop and execute push up progression plan
**too hard to come in afternoons to get Aemon’s sage advice, so I did this:
– Shoulder Presses, 20# kb, 10 ea side 3 times per week – A
– EMOM 10, 5 24″ Box Push Ups 3x per week – A
– Crossover Symmetry Sessions 3x per week – B+ (started a week into June) but did most every day after WOD
2) Increase engine = Execute weekly cardio/metcon conditioning intervals
– Intervals were not posted for June — did a few CompTrain cardio sessions – C
– Definitely saw improvement in Rowing throughout June, pacing and pull intensity- A
3) Identify 1 RM = Cleans, Deadlifts – F
– Move to July Goal, but have much better idea of clean, C&J and Snatch numbers for WODS due to WLW and Wods in June.
4) Bar Progressions = complete 10 shoulder shrugs, 10 KTBar 3x per week. – A
– completed all shoulder shrug and KTB practice as prescribed
– added in 5 kip swings in second half of June.
– grip strength is limiting factor on these, working to toughen up or manage pain 😉
July Goals:
1) 1RM for Clean & Deadlift
2) Bar Progressions = complete 5 shoulder shrugs, 5 KTB and 10 kip swings 3x per week
3) Increase Engine =
Complete EMOM 10 of 10 – 20″ box jumps 3 x per week
Run 1 – 400m per week (post WOD or pre-WOD)
4) Continue Shoulder Strength progressions 3x per week
EMOM 10, 5 – 20″ box push ups
Shoulder presses, 20# kb – 10 ea side x 2
Crossover Symmetry (yellow band)
5) Eat clean during the week (no alcohol, no dairy/wheat/legumes)
Forgot to put one in:
Work on Knee Stability:
– do banded side steps each day at gym (especially before any wod requiring squats)
– Do Bulgarian Split Squat – no weight at first, 12.5# weight after
– Focus on keeping my knees out in all WODs.
Love this one!
July Goals:
Work on those box jumps! Start increasing height slightly on a weekly basis. Currently at 3-45# plates.
Take my macros seriously. Havent derailed completely but the past few weeks have been sketchy. I feel “heavy and sluggish”
Sprint/run 1 mile increments at least 3x’s a week. Maintain a spreadsheet.
CF 4x’s a week
July: get sexy AF, for sure.
Specific – Kinda…what does “Sexy AF” entail?
Measurable – ?
Attainable – Yup
Relevant – Yup
Time Bound – Yup
1) Complete comp training at least 3x a week
2) Improve snatch form – finish a WW workout without failing any reps
3) Get 5 T2B in a row
1. Lose 10 lbs.
2. Increase cardio to twice a week (been averaging once a week) with at least one run
3. Work with the hypertrophy bands 3x week, look to move up one band level at month’s end.
4. Work with Eamon to get a program set up to strengthen my right quads/right side and eventually get it back close to parity with right side.
1) I have my macros figured out from Kate B’s talk. Stick to IIFYM for 30 days by tracking in MFP – today was day 1
2) Make it into the triple digits for my 1 rep Power Clean max – current PR set a few months back was 95#
3) Make it to class 5x per week
4) Run a 5k 1x per week
5) Ring Rows – I need to make these harder by getting more parallel with the floor
6) Introduce myself to at least 5 members I have never talked with!
June recap-
Wendler cycle bench/squat/overhead press –(F) I only kept up with overhead press
Handstand walk practice 3x per week (F) only practiced 3 times the whole month
Work on landing position in cleans and snatches (A) thanks to weight lifting Wednesday I practiced at least once a week
July goals–
No deserts all month, I’ve fallen off the wagon and started running in the other direction…
Limit alcohol to one day a week
Accumulate 200 handstand push ups
Kyle, I try really hard to stay away from deserts during the summer too. So hot. So dry.
1. GTG: 50 pushups, 5 strict c2b. 3:00 plank => 1/3 (5 strict c2b. 40 unbroken pushups).
2. skills: consistent bar mu singles, 50 unbroken DU. => 1/2 got bmu singles. DU, nope.
3. benchmarks: practice OSMT wods at least once, ideally 2x. comp july 9. => once
4. Oly: 145 snatch, 215 clean, 195 clean+jerk. => 0/3.
consistently missed the monday OTMx10 snatch sessions => neither before 6:15, or after class in general, seems to work out well. Did not retest 1rm snatch.
unplanned: 185PR clean & jerk, rx grace & glen, strung 2 MU a couple times. retested cindy, confirmed pushups are still hard.
1. retest oly: 145 snatch, 195 clean & jerk. doggonit!
2. string bar muscle ups
3. 2x/week DU practice, record 50 DU-for-time, each practice session.
July Goals:
1. Get 20 strict pull-ups (4 sets of 5 reps)
2. Get better at kipping pull-ups (shift away from ring-rows for WODs by end of summer)
3. Improve set-up and form for: cleans and snatches
4. Two minute plank holds
July Goals:
-Shave 1.5% body fat 15.9% now (Going to need a fresh measurement, I dont think I am too far off from the end of the challenge, but just to make sure)
-No booze M-Th & Sunday (Give me a break I cherish my Friday Saturdays in July)
-Hit triple digits on my squat snatch with near perfect form.
July Goals:
– Hollow holds to Tabata (20 on / 10 off) for 4 minutes from 15 on / 15 off
– Practice double unders 3x per week
– Work out a couple times and don’t go too heavy with drinking while on 10-day Cape vacation
July Goals:
CF 4x per week
Stick to my macros 5 days per week
Limit alcohol to the weekends (darn you to heck kegerator. I can’t believe i just said that.)
Read 2 books this month.
Create a plan to recover from surgery with Max.
Love this! Let’s chat!
CF 4x per week: C-. I got 4x per week right up until the week of surgery where I got 2.
Stick to macros 5 days: A. Love my wife for meal prepping with me.
Alcohol on the weekends: C. Now that I’ve had surgery and am off the meds, its been ugly.
Read 2 books this month: F. Only read one and didn’t even start another.
Create a plan with Max: A, I’ll be in as soon as I can move around without pain, and we will go from there.
July Goals:
– 1 running and 1 rowing interval per week
– Heavy deadlift (75% – 85%) at least once per week
– Strict press strength program
– Test max set of unbroken muscle-ups, goal of 12+
July goals:
1. Show up on Sundays and test 1RMs throughout the month
2. Run at least 2 miles two nights a week
3. Track macros for the rest of the month, followings Kate’s guidelines
July Goals…
1) exceed 15 drop ins for the month.
2) get at least 1 RX WOD
3) drive the Firebird up to Maine and back without breaking down.
1. No snacking on pretzels
2. No after dinner snacking (this is redundant with #1)
1. Continue Nutrition Plan counting macros.
2. Class 5x a week with 3-4 Comp train workouts.
3. Work on Muscle up progression.
July goals:
1) CF at least 3-4x/week
2) Get body fat checked and work on reducing
3) complete comptrain 3x/wk
4) work on getting 1 muscle up by end of Sept (need to get with Max/Brian on what to work on)
1. Comp train twice a week
2. Work on double unders twice a week
3. One rowing interval per week
July Goals:
1.) Get 5 strict pull-ups in a row
2.) Find/retest 1 rep max for: back squat, clean, and deadlift
3.) Run at least 5 miles/week
July Goals:
Practice C2B Pull-ups 2x per week
Add one extra deadlift workout per week
Get to sleep by 9pm 3x per week
Read 5 CrossFit journal articles per week
1. Test my 1 RM for clean, OHS, back squat, and dead lift
2. Track my macros more carefully
3. Get to Tilt at least 4x per week
4. Get more sleep
1. 5 Toes to bar
2. 5 Kipping pull-up
3. 10 double unders
4. Ice cream only once a week
Always done crossfit on and off but first time really zoning. Pumped to have just finished my first week and have some goals:
1:Learn a ring muscle up (can do bar, never done ring) (practice once a week)
2: Get 25 double unders (the REAL ones! no backwards) (practice once a week)
3: 3 miles under 20 minutes (going to run 3 times a week)
4: Clean and Jerk 225 (not sure how i can work towards this but will talk to max)
5: Get to the gym atleast 5 times a week. Time to really buckle down before my last season!
Been awesome and pumped I get to train with you guys for the next two months!!
Better late than never
1) Achieve Box Squat on the soft box
2) Learn about this IIFYM/MACROS and start the lifestyle
3) Attend 5 WODS per week.
4) Run 5K twice a week
5) Use the 35 LB bar and a couple of 10’s for at least one WOD
6) Practice form and skills at TILT on Sunday’s
7) Meet 5 new people
July Goals:
1. Attend (at least) 3x WOD’s per week
2. Work 20 pushups 2x week
3. Go to bed before/at 10pm at least 3x per week
1. Do the Crossover Symmetry and core stability exercises 3x/week
2. Squat my number 3x/week
3. No peanut butter for the rest of the month!
June, ehhhhh lets say a C…
July Goals
RX once a week – I don’t care what you say Max, I’m chasing it
Muscle Up
Finish the 3 books I’ve started, plus pick 2 new ones
Cook 1 new recipe per week
Stretch 3x per week (Supple Leopard)
Class 5x a week with 3 Comp train workouts.
Work on Muscle up progression
300 GHDs and hip extensions a week
300 Pushups a week