August Goals!
Post your August goals here! Make sure they’re S.M.A.R.T.
Time Bound
Did you set July Goals? Click HERE to check them out and grade yourself! How’d you do this month?
Feeling lost setting goals for yourself? Schedule time with your coaches (Max or Brian) and make a plan!
Straight pullup… At least one. Without the little jump.
My goals:
-Run once a week outside of the gym
-Do squat therapy before every workout
-Limit myself to two ‘cheat’ meals per week
-Get 3 T2B in a row
-Get 2 HSPU in a row
July Goals:
No sugar or alcohol M-F: C
Take class at least 3x a week and vary times taking class: D maybe C
Complete Tabata Hollow Rocks 1x a week: A
Read one book: A
Take Class 3x a week (putting this one up again) this is a priority!
1 bike interval a week
1 row interval a week
Talk to my sisters 1 x a week
Read one book
3×5 Strict Press, 3×5 Deadlift or Power Clean, 3×5 Back Squat 2 x a week
August Goals:
Get to tilt 3x per week, provided I’m cleared by the docs.
Work shoulder mobility so that I can begin walking/running without causing shoulder pain.
Read 2 books this month.
~August Goals~
Clean up the eating. 3 cheat meals per week or less. Gotta get those abs!!
6 strict pull ups
Knee/squat therapy 3x a week
Contact 2 old friends I haven’t seen in a few years/reconnect
progress, never quite as planned.
July recap:
1. retest oly: 145 snatch, 195 clean & jerk => 2/2: got 150 & 195
2. string bar muscle ups => 0; oops, forgot i wrote this, didn’t even try.
3. 2x/week DU practice, record 50 DU-for-time, each practice session. => 1/2 did the practice, didn’t record anything. getting better, new PR 40 unbroken
overall 3/5. unplanned victories:
– 1st time @rx: Annie, Christine, Grace, FGB
– DEXA re-scan: +6lb LBM (vs 6mos ago 157->163)
– PRs: Jackie (8:15->7:06), OHS (135->155), Grace (115->135), unbroken DU (40)
– 155 snatch, 215 Clean most likely on different days.
– 1/wk jerk practice; 1/wk snatch-bal/OHS practice.
– 2/wk DU practice. “Annie” < 8:00
– 22 pushups/day with Teri, until 8/22.
stretch goal: progress towards stringing BMU/MU, and HSPU, but this is a full plate already.
Edwin where do you do the DEXA scan?
July Recap:
-Do the Crossover Symmetry and core stability exercises 3x/week – A
-Squat my number 3x/week – C
-No peanut butter for the rest of the month! – F
August Goals:
-Learn Russian wrap rope climbs
-1 row interval/week and focus on proper pacing
-Crossover Symmetry and core stability exercises 3x/week
August Goals:
1. Find my Muscle ups. I lost them somewhere either on Martha’s Vineyard or in Lake Winnipesaukee or somewhere in between. Once found, the goal is 6 unbroken.
2. Start butterflying in the WOD’s.
3. Finish the hatch squat cycle.
4. Get a gravatar.
August Goal:
Be able to do 5 strict pull-ups by the end of the month.
Cook dinner for myself at least once per week.
July Goals:
– 1 running and 1 rowing interval per week, C+ – Missed 1 week of rowing, no running
– Heavy deadlift (75% – 85%) at least once per week, C – One set outside of weekly WOD
– Strict press strength program, B – maintained for 3 weeks before some shoulder pain
– Test max set of unbroken muscle-ups, goal of 12+, B+ – tested this during the 30 MU for time and got 9 but had to come off with ripped hands
– Keep up Strict press program, 1x week
– Get back to heavy squats, 2x week
– 1 extra rowing/running interval 2x week
July goal: “Get sexy AF”…nailed it.
August goals:
– Stay hot (AF).
– Be kind.
– Care.
– Drink less.
– Hug more.
– Smile.
– Tell more dad jokes.
– And don’t cry on my birthday next week when I inevitably contemplate my slow and sad march towards death, or even worse, being less sexy.
July Recap:
1. Show up on Sundays and test 1RMs throughout the month- A+, retested about 8 lifts throughout July.
2. Run at least 2 miles two nights a week- C, did this for about 2.5 weeks until July started to get really hot and humid.
3. Track macros for the rest of the month, followings Kate’s guidelines- F. 2 weeks in and I felt like I was losing my mind understanding how to track and adjust numbers. Will revisit this.
August Goals:
1. Use Sundays to practice
-rowing at a lower s/m rate
-getting sets of 15-20 DUs consistently
2. Eat only whole foods and no alcohol expect for 1 vacation day in VT this month
July Goals RECAP:
1) 1RM for Clean (95#) & Deadlift (160# so far)
“A” – still working to figure these out, think the DL will be higher and the clean too
2) Bar Progressions = complete 5 shoulder shrugs, 5 KTB and 10 kip swings 3x per week “B” – ended up with some lower back stuff mid-month that slowed me down, but I have gained strength for these in July.
3) Increase Engine =
Complete EMOM 10 of 10 – 20″ box jumps 3 x per week
Run 1 – 400m per week (post WOD or pre-WOD)
“F” – This fell by the wayside early on when i realized I had bitten off too much for the month.
4) Continue Shoulder Strength progressions 3x per week
EMOM 10, 5 – 20″ box push ups
Shoulder presses, 20# kb – 10 ea side x 2
Crossover Symmetry (yellow band)
“B” – Easily completed CrossOver and Shoulder Presses, back issue had me stop the pushup progression, but have been doing WODs on the 20″ box this month, so that’s progress.
5) Eat clean during the week (no alcohol, no dairy/wheat/legumes)
“F” – don’t know what possessed me to write this, didn’t even remember it was on the list. But am pushing it to Aug – at least food wise.
6) Work on Knee Stability: (graded each)
– do banded side steps each day at gym (especially before any wod requiring squats)
“B” – did this for the first 2 weeks before back issues, then backed off
– Do Bulgarian Split Squat – no weight at first, 12.5# weight after
“B” – did this for the first 2 weeks before back issues that were mostly stabilizer muscles so I realized that the BSS was probably causing the issues – have been mobilizing after these now, to minimize stabilizer issues.
– Focus on keeping my knees out in all WODs.
“A” – Seriously focused on these and at set up achieved good knee position about 90% of the time. In barbell stuff with two moves (C&J) I need to remember to push out on the second dip and drive. – but push presses alone were done pretty well this month. Knee pain is pretty much gone tho, so that is a big win!!
1) Continue Shoulder Strength Progression – goal strict pull up
(working with Max to define the progression, but will include Crossover, kb presses, and bar work as in previous months)
2) Knee Stability
– Bulgarian Split Squats at lease 3x per week 15-20 ea side, set of 10.
– Banded side steps
– Continue to be diligent about knees out with barbell (but it’s getting more like muscle memory every day)
3) Eat clean for August – minimal alcohol, no dairy, bread/wheat, beans
1) Drop body weight to 215# (currently 232#)
2) Do aerobic base work 3x per week
3) Class 5x per week
4) Complete Comptrain in it’s entirety 3x per week
1.) Go to bed by 10 at least 4 nights per week
2.) Read 2 or more Crossfit journal articles per week
3.) 50-75 strict HSPU and strict pull-ups per week
4.) Follow Comptrain strictly
5.) 3×5 deadlift 2x per week
6.) ROMWOD every day
Kipping pull ups
HSPU at least 1
Eat clean Monday thru Saturday
July Goals:
No desserts all month – F…. Another month with some poor decisions.
Limit alcohol to one day a week – F See above
Accumulate 200 handstand push ups – F made it to 56
August Goals:
Time to turn the ship around
1 Cheat day this month – VT trip (as of writing this I’ve been clean so far!)
Talk to at least 3 people at class I don’t know and learn their names
Work in Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press, and Deadlift once a week
Run at least 4 miles outside of class once a week
Brew a beer for the team throwdown in September
Kyle, you forgot the goal you announced last night: “practice for the beer mile by chugging seltzer and running 400m”
1. Comp train twice a week- B-
2. Work on double unders twice a week-B
3. One rowing interval per week- C
1. Squat twice a week
2. Work on double unders twice a week
3. Do shoulder rehab exercises 4 times a week
4. Three extra rowing intervals in the month
1. Get down kipping pull ups
2. Show up 4-5 times a week
OK, ok, ok I got derailed in July ( work travel and NOLA happened )
June Goals:
a) Continue eating clean but not as stringent as May: C
– Now suffering from post nutrition challenge withdrawal
b) Improve my rowing technique and speed
– 2 min pace continuously during a WOD, This has improved albeit only slightly: C
c) Get back on the Squat program twice a week
– Strengthen right knee: F
d) Kipping MUs: 4 reps for 4 Rounds :F
e) Strict MUs: 5 in a row, I got 4 in a row
f) If (e) achieved at least 1 strict weighted MU: F
g) 1 bar MU: F
h) Continue HS progression: F
j) THE IRON CROSS! (Just kidding)….unicorns man!
That’s why there always is a new month to reset
1) Alcohol in moderation once every two weeks
2) Clean eating 4 days out of the week
3) Finish Hatch Squat program
4) 5 strict Ring MUs
5) If (4) achieved then one weight strict ring MU
6) 1 Bar MU
7) Practice DUs again…seem to have lost it!
July Goals:
1. Attend (at least) 3x WOD’s per week — B, not bad!
2. Work 20 pushups 2x week — D, not good.
3. Go to bed before/at 10pm at least 3x per week — F+, downright terrible.
August goals!
1. Attend 4 WOD’s per week
2. Work 20 pushups 2x week.
3. Add in extra mobility work 3x per week.
4. Get in bed by 10pm. As much as possible.
July recap:
– Get to 20/10 on hollow holds – no (vacation didn’t help)
– Practice DUs 3x per week – yes
– Don’t drink too much and workout on vacation – did well on the first one, especially compared to prior vacations, but only got in one workout
August goals:
– Keep practicing DUs (3x per week)
– Get back to working on mobility – ankles, squat therapy
– Move up 5-10 lbs from women’s RX on each workout