T Fuel
5 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
15 Burpees
10 Front Squats (155/105)
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Thursday is Bring a Friend Day! YAY! Friday is Paleo Potluck and Game Night! Double YAY! Sunday is the TILT Gymnastics Seminar! Is this real life?!?! So much great stuff happening!!!
Happy Birthday Terri ?????!!!!
Come back soon!
T-Fuel: 20:21Rx, woof
DU’s/GHD: 100/25/80/20/60/15/40/10/20/5, 11:00ish
Blazing. just killing it, you should go Paleo more often.
T Fuel
21:05 95lb
T-Fuel: 23:19 (Rx) the runs were… challenging… ya I’ll go with challenging. Happy Birthday Terri.
What are these runs you speak of?
It’s kind of a personal problem for Brad and “the runs.” I think it has to do with the nutrition challenge…
Poor guy is having too many greens…
T-Fuel: 21:20 (105#)
Way to push that last round, got me by 2 seconds!
T Fuel
22:03 #65
Happy birthday, Terri!!!
T-Fuel 21:11 135#
50-40-30-20-10 DU-attempts
25-20-15-10-5 abmat situps.
T-Fuel: 21:22 #135
T Fuel – 19:45rx
Running continues to be my kryptonite. Great push by LJ and Tully in the 930am this morning! Granted I was only near them for the first round, after that all I could see was their backsides which wasn’t a terrible view 😉
Happy Birthday Terri! Love ya!
T Fuel- 19:44 (sprawlers for burpees & 65# FS)
Always fun dropping in at Tilt, made extra special by surprising Terri for her birthday! Happy Birthday Absy!
1. T-Fuel: 20.42 Rx
2. DU’s/GHDSU 100/25/80/20/60/15/40/10/20/5: 13.06 Rx
DU’s are still terrible but getting better!
22:58 (400m row instead of run, 75# FS)
T-Fuel: 18:38 Rx
Happy Birthday, Terri!
Did the CFT version at CFNE TODAY IN THEIR 200m course (2x through per round).
100-80-60-40-20 ub dubs
25-20-15-10-5 ghd
T Fuel- 18:50 RX
50-40-30-20-10 cal Bike
25-20-15-10-5 TTB
11:08- this one was rough after T Fuel
17:48 @ 115#
Bike 50-40-30-20-10
T2B. 25-20-15-10-5
T Fuel: 22:10 RX
Lots of fun today! Nice work 6:30!
23:24 65#
18:25 @ 110#
Happy Birthday Terri!
T-Fuel: 25:15 115#. Really rough WOD for me today. Thanks for the encouragement 05:30. I needed every bit of it.
T Fuel 22:49 RX, that’s all I had today.
Rx barbell
2 rounds running
3 rounds on airdyne (back was flaring up pounding pavement, made the switch on the fly)
Time = 20:55
5 Rounds, 500 m row with 115lbs
18:54 Rx
Moonwalk @ the CFNE Mayhem: 29:11 (5RFT: 500m row, 15 burpees, 10 FS-55#)
400M Row
15 Cal Bike
10 Overhead squats @ 75#
4 rnds = 17:30
20:56 @85
16:12 @ 95#