Rowing “JT”
21 Handstand Push-Ups
21 Ring Dips
21 Push-Ups
21 Cal Row
15 Handstand Push-Ups
15 Ring Dips
15 Push-Ups
21 Cal Row
9 Handstand Push-Ups
9 Ring Dips
9 Push-Ups
21 Cal Row
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Chifit is coming to CrossFit TILT!
Jovan James is the creator and founder of a methodology of breathing developed for CrossFit called Chifit. Chifit is the most natural and effective way to breathe while doing your body weight WOD. With a focus on Chi breathing Chifit will allow you to maximize your oxygen intake while minimizing the amount of carbon dioxide left in your lungs. Jovan has created a breathing system for every body weight movement we do in CrossFit. Not only will you learn how to breathe the most natural and efficient way. You will learn when to breathe as well as how to recover. Jovan has been doing CrossFit for 4 years and has his Level I, Kids CrossFit and Endurance certifications.
This seminar will be offered this coming Sunday (4/10/16) from 10am – 12pm and is free to TILT members and friends!
I actually thought Monday’s WOD was really challenging but fun and then I see this. I am going to wager that this is how it goes…
Round 1: Shoulder Hell!
Round 2: Shoulder Hell!
Round 3: Shoulder Hell!
Yes Charlie this should be a shoulder smoker for sure!
HSPUs (2 mats)
Ring dips w/orange band
21 calorie row each time
Way to go Brooke. Working those weaknesses!
JT rows: 16:55rx
Bet that awesome head of hair helped you with those HSPU today!
12-9-6 Strict HSPU
Damn this is the best Gravatar! I’m jelly (jealous).
Rowing JT – 17:43
7-5-3 wall walks
21-15-9 kipping ring dips, push-ups
Ring dips looking STRONG today!
JT – 20:18
HSPU: 9-6-1(wall walk last round)
Orange band dips
Push-ups: First 6 from ground, the rest from box.
Row: Rx
Result: Walking around the office looking like I am carrying luggage
Result: GAINS!
Good job brother! Getting stronger everyday.
Rowing JT: 13:00 Rx
Way to go Len! Holding it down for the masters 😉
I won’t be able to make it in tonight for class, so I did the best to modify this at my work gym. Seeing how this WOD is all my weaknesses wrapped into one, I scaled back:
Ring Dips
400m Run
Oh heck yes! Love this workout!
14:00 (9-6-3 for HSPU)
Nice Brendan! Solid work this morning!
Travel WOD- Dallas hotel
100 airsquats
100 Sit ups
100 airsquats
Way to get it done on the road Ken!
9.44 Rx
(jaw on ground)
9-6-3 Ring Dips and HSPU
Row and Pushups as Rx
Great job picking the right scale on those HSPU and ring dips. Def got stronger today!
11:30 Rx
14:12 RX
Good job managing that rest today.
16:21 – 15,12,9 hspu (started with 1 mat, after first round transitioned to two mats)
RX the rest
Way to get that HSPU done buddy!
Round 1: 1 mat and all strict movements
Round 2: 8 reps with 1 mat, 7 reps with 2 mats
Attempted kipping HSPUs – needs a lot of work!
Round 3: 4 reps strict and 5 reps attempted kipping HSPUs
4 reps strict dips and 5 kipping dips
Strong finish!
Chest was blown up from hitting the Monstah Mash w Brian Jonas so I did:
OTM x 20
Min 1 – 10 HPC @ 185
Min 2 – 25 Sit-Ups
Min 3 – 40 Double Unders
Min 4 – 10 Burpee over the Bar
15:53 RX
Rowing JT 21:06 RX
Lockout at the top of the HSPU extremely hard to achieve.