
TILT Golf Outing

When: Friday August 9th @ 8:00 AM
Where: Sandy Burr Country Club – 103 Cochituate Rd, Wayland, MA
Post-golf hangout at The Dudley Chateau – 20 Crest Street, Wayland
What: Golf Outing with the TILT Community. Friends and family are welcome!
-Teams of 4
-18 Holes of Golf – carts included
-Post golf summer social at The Dudley Chateau
Cost: $115 per person
How to Sign-up: Sign-up at the front desk!
Each member’s TRIIB Xplor account will be charged the fee.
If you have a non-TILT member on your team, we will charge the teammate who is a TILT Member.
Sign-up deadline is July 26th. There are no refunds for this event. 

What if I need teammates?
Add yourself to the “free agent” sign-up sheet at the gym if you need teammates. We will put you with other people that need teammates and let you know your team assignment via email prior to the outing. 
If you are adding your name to this list, we ask that you have had some previous golf experience. 

What if I don’t want to golf?
Come join us afterwards at The Dudley Chateau in Wayland!

Questions? Email Brian@crossfittilt.com