Open Gym 9am – 12pm
Test Day
Happy May! Use today to test some of your April Goals if you haven’t already. If you still need to work on them use today as a Goat Day.
Click HERE for our April Goals page.
Box Brief
Nutrition Meeting today at 12pm! Be there or live with FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) forever…
Snatch complex- 1 power, 1 hang squat, 1 OHS. Built to 115.
OTMx10 – 1 clean & jerk 135#
Bench press build to 1rm 190. 5lb pr, finally broke body weight (187)
Moody Street 5K: 25:41, that’s right I ran without anyone/anything chasing me. The scary part, it wasn’t that bad…
– Hatch Program Week 3 Day 1
– Weighted pull-ups 5×5 with 2 chains
– Wall handstand shoulder taps
– Accessory work
April Goals:
– 10 DUs in a row: A
– 3 Straight arm kipping ring MUs: F (No practice)
– 1 Deficit handstand push-up (wall): F (No practice)
– Work in progress for handstand walks: wall facing shoulder taps, A
– Overall progress = C
May Goals
– Eat Clean
– 3 Straight arm kipping MUs
– Continue Hatch Squat program -> Strengthen injured right knee
Sunday Funday:
OTM X 12
4 strict pullups 2 chains – minute 1
25 double unders – minute 2
Handstand walk practice (Most controlled walk yet)
Muscle up practice (First Muscle ups!!!!! Got one, then strung 3 together.. What!?)
Recap on April goals:
Handstand walk any number of steps
get 1 ring muscle up.
How’d I do? I nailed it!!!
May’s goals:
Eat clean (I would love to go strict all month on the challenge)
String together 5 muscle ups
Practice more control in the handstand walk. I want to make 5 steps with a decent level of control.