Lots o’ Barbell Today! Are you ready?!?!
Mr. Sinister
Teams of 3:
50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10:
Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Front Squats (135/95)
Push Jerks (135/95)
*After each full round, the team runs 200 Meters together with a single plate 45/25
Post Team Names and Times to Comments.
Box Brief
5:15am, 615am, and 715am class schedule starts Monday! Set you alarms and get PUMPED!
Mr. Sinister @ CFNE with Bearded Mike, and Julie: 25:08rx w/sandbag run.
Mr. Sinister “the Pundits” Brendan, Rob, Edwin, Ken shadowing – 24:18 115#, 45lb plate 4-way run
10×1 clean & jerk 95, 115, 135, 155, 165, 175, 180 pr, 3×175
10 kipping c2b unbroken
5 bar muscle up singles
Great work fellas. Thanks for letting me shadow.
Love the team workouts!
Mr Sinister: Bar Pushers (Jen, Vicky, Teri) 30:01 45# 25# plate
Extra: working toward 1RM Power Cleans – got to 85# PR (so far)
1. C&J EMOMx10 @185
2. 3×3 FS @275
3. 30 BMU 30 strict C2B 9.57
4. 21-15-9 HPC, FS, strict HSPU 12.39 (big palm tear so no jerks or C2B)
Rough day! Bring on the R&R!
Team Brotherhood – 27:52 I think
Thanks for having me, Max & CF TILT!
It turned out that shadowing Kyle wasn’t such a good idea! No way I would replicate Kyle’s transition from 10 HPCs directly into 10 FSs.
(105#, runs Rx; me – 85#, 15 cal bike for runs)
Team Pinot Nour (competing against team chardonnay)
Mr. Sinister: me (95#) shadowing James (f*ing 135#) with Joe (115#) & Sam (95#).
Running with 2 x 45# plate trading half way.
Awesome workout, great work, team!
The Good Life 11:26 (:24 PR)
Team “We Beat the Boys” – Alissa, Lara, Kristen – 26:23 (55#; 15#)
(Nevermind that the boys went RX) – 🙂