“Lift For Lyme”
Teams of 3:
100 Calorie Row, 100 Deadlifts
80 Calorie Row, 80 Hang Power Cleans
60 Calorie Row, 60 Front Squats
40 Calorie Row, 40 Push Jerks
20 Calorie Row, 20 Clusters
Rx Loading – 135/95
One athlete works at a time. Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Lift for Lyme Fundraiser Workout today in our group classes!
Lift For Lyme will raise money for the Dean Center in Boston. The Dean Center for Tick Borne Illness at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital (SRH) in Charlestown, MA. provides leading-edge collaborative programs and expertise in neurocognitive and neuromuscular recovery along with a multidisciplinary approach to Lyme disease rehabilitation for acute and chronically affected Lyme patients in New England and around the country.
100% of all Lift For Lyme donations will go directly to The Dean Center.
Please consider donating to The Dean Center by following THIS LINK.
We’ll also have a donation jar ready at the gym.
“Three Esses” 30:13 scaled
Sherry 55
Sam 75
Smith 115
Lift For Lyme: “Bro’s before rows” (Tim/Luke/Adam): 25:09rx
Great seeing some old buds dropping in for 7am today!!
Solid crew this morning.
Forever Fit…… Brendan, Paul, Kyle 28:40 @ 115#
Nice work boys!
The Good Hair Squat – 20:45rx
You guys flew through the cleans…nice work. Still, how can it be the good hair squad without Adam?
We can dream Michael…the founding fathers of The Good Hair Squad are you and Adam for sure…I’m just barely holding on…
Lift For Lyme – 26:30
(75# and 115#)
Even though Nick didn’t show-up on time, fun workout!
Just realized that by removing the rowers after 9am class I ruined the set-up for next class. A morning class screwing up mind of a 730pm’er 🙂
Love when you drop in! Can’t wait to see you 2 weeks!
1. One third the work with running instead of rowing: 13.32
2. 33 C2B and got a rough tear
ACDC – 30:32 scaled? Brian dominating on a Saturday – thanks for the Cluster coaching!
Andrew, awesome work today! Barbell movements are looking smooth!!
Yay was great working alongside you and Dennis! #teamacdc
Way to go Andrew!