On the Minute x 10
1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat
– Rest 5 min –
Dip it Low
30 Double Unders
10 Thrusters @ 45
Post Loads and Rounds to Comments.
Box Brief
Happy Monday! The second event for the CF TILT Internal Team Throwdown will be announced this week!
OTM Complex: Up to 185#
AMRAP 5: 6+38rx
Up to 105#
Dip It Low:
6 rounds Rx
10 strict pull-ups
Complex: Worked up to 215#
Burner: 4 rounds rx,
Kept building to a heavy power clean, hit 235# for a PR.
Boom, big clean number!!
OTM: worked up to 125 lbs
Dip it low: 5 rounds: 15 DU, 35 lbs
Weight Lifting “What!!” Monday!!!
PowerClean, Squat Clean, Front Squat Complex
1 x 45, 1x 55, 2 x 65, 4 x 75, 2 x 80
Feels awful “in the hole” at the bottom of the squat just about to come back up — need to work mobility and front squat strength, me thinks.
Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats (2x 10# KBs ea hand) 10 ea side x 2
KB Shoulder Press 10 ea side 20# kb, 5 ea side 30# kb
EMOM 10 – 5 Super inclined Ring Rows
22 20″ Box Push Ups
Crossover Symmetry Activation 10/7
OTMx10 built to 185
Dip it low 4+21 Rx.
4×6 Back Squats built to 195
3 Rounds: KB press 10×35 then 4×55 ea side. (vs 3×55 prev best)
Complex: Worked up to 165#
Dip it low: 4+33 Rx
Complex: up to 175#
Dip it Low: 5+14 Rx
OTM Complex: Up to 215# (wrong weight on board)
Dip it Low: 4 DU/DT (do not do in olyshoes…)
OTM complex power clean, squat clean, front squat 155
Dip it low 7 rounds DT
Complex: up to 260#
Burner: 6 rds Rx
strong Ho
Thanks, Ken! Love seeing you in class!
OTM: 185
Burner: 5+13 Rx
OTM, started at 95 went up to 140.
Burner 3 rounds plus 33
Four Quarters (CFNE’s WOD):
Hang Squat Clean @ 225
Front Squat x2 @ 235
Bench Press x3 @ 195
AMRAP 4 rounds @ 40#
OTM Complex – up to 205#
Dip it Low – 4 + 30 Rx
WLM: 95 to 185 lbs
Dip it Low: 6 and change, 15 DUs
Built to 160, 5+1 Rx
So so happy to be back at TILT!
Clean Complex: 150#
WOD: 5+31 RX
EMOM10: From 65# to 120#
Dip it Low: 4 rounds + 30 [(2 SU + 1 DU) x 10]