Dylan hucking that medball like it ain’t no thang!
For Time:
5 Laps (1000m run/5x200m)
40 Pull-ups
30 Thrusters @ 95/65
20 Calorie Row
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Monday Monday Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Starting this Sunday we will be rolling out the mats from 9:00am to 9:30am for a little ROMWOD action! Click HERE to check it out!
Mod:10 ring rows & 10 kip swings
Thursters @ 75#
RR and kip swings
Hawkeye – 7:22 75#
Ring Muscle up progression
100 kipping rings
100 GHD
100 Hip extensions
RR; 45# thrusters (need to work on getting my head through at the top!! Thanks Brian for the coaching!)
Hawkeye: 9:33 105# Front Squats instead of thrusters
Beach workout: 10 rounds of Cindy
Better than nothing 😉
Hawkeye – 11:48 rx
Snatch waves with Max
OTMx5: 2 hang squat snatch 85..125, rest 1:00
OTMx5: 2 hang squat snatch below knee 85..125, rest 1:00
OTMx5: 1 squat snatch 95..135
Attemp 145 – fail overhead 2x
Back squat on 2:00
5×185, 4×205, 3×225, 2×235, 1×245
Fun times snatching today!
Hawkeye – 9:10 Rx
Hawkeye: 10:29 Rx
Hawkeye 8:25 75
So happy to be back with my fit fam!
Snatch Waves w Edwin! Started at 95 and ended at 225. Not sure of exact weights for above the knee, below the knee, and from the ground. Kept adding plates and trying not to do the math.
Hit a variation of Hawkeye w B. Jonas, Thule, and Studley:
1000m run
80 Wall Ball
60 Sit-ups
40 Pull-ups
20 Cal Row
Hawkeye: 7:42 RX
Hawkeye: 12:49 sub 75# thrusters. Legs on fire at row!
1. Snatch EMOM business up to 155#
2. Hawkeye: 10.21
Hawkeye: 11:30 75#. Dropped the Thrusters way too much.
10:46 45# 20 Kipping Pullups
Kipping pullups: 5,4,4,3,2,1,1
Thrusters: 15,10,5
9:07 Rx
11:38, 20 KPUs, 45#