6th Annual TILT Affiliate Cup
When: February 28th – March 14th
*Workouts will be held on Friday Feb 28th, March 7th, and March 14th
during all classes and during Friday Night Lights at 5:30 PM
What: Fitness, Fun, and Friendly Competition! See below for all details.
How to Sign-up: Sign-up at the front desk here!
Sign-up deadline is Wednesday, January 31st
Cost: $25 and will receive your Team Color T-Shirt!
Coaches will choose the teams. Your Push Press account will be charged.
How the Affiliate Cup Works:
- The Affiliate Cup is a fun new way to participate in the CrossFit Open! We would love to have everyone join in on the fun. Please include your t-shirt size on the sign-up sheet. You do not need to register for the Open to participate.
- Once registered, we will place you on a team with TILT members and a coach. Each team will be designated by a specific color (blue or red). Teams will receive their team shirt/color at the start of the challenge.
- Over a three-week period, CrossFit HQ will release three classic and accessible workouts that can be performed by participants of any ability level. There will be modification options for all workouts (just like your TILT coaches provide already!). Each week, on Thursday night, the weekly workout will be announced. The first workout will be announced on Thursday, February 27th.
- On Friday, during all classes, participants will have a chance to throw down on the Open workout during all classes. This will be the first opportunity to receive points for your team! In addition, every Friday at 5:30pm we will be holding “Friday Night Lights” – an opportunity to receive more points, hangout, workout, and socialize with other TILT members.
- Team members will also have the opportunity to earn additional points for their team. See below.
You earn 1 Point Each For:
- Doing the Open Workout in class on Friday (**2 points for doing the workout at Friday Night Lights**)
- Judging (or cheering!) someone in class on Friday
- Wearing your team color in class on Friday or to Friday Night Lights
- Posting a post workout selfie on your gym’s private Facebook group.
*Max points per week = 5 points
Teams will track their points at the gym on the Affiliate Cup Whiteboard
The Winner:
At the end of the 3 weeks, we will tally and average out all the points for each team. The winning team will help create a full week of class workouts to be done at their gym! And…of course…bragging rights!