“Did Castro really just say thrusters AND burpees?!?!”
Open WOD 16.5
Thrusters @ 95/65
Bar Facing Burpees
Post Scores to Comments.
Box Brief:
TGIF! Party at CFNE tonight starting around 7pm! See you there!
“Did Castro really just say thrusters AND burpees?!?!”
Open WOD 16.5
Thrusters @ 95/65
Bar Facing Burpees
Post Scores to Comments.
Box Brief:
TGIF! Party at CFNE tonight starting around 7pm! See you there!
16.5- 15:27rx, 11:35 PR from 2 years ago. I guess this CrossFit stuff works after all…
11 min PR is LEGIT!!!
Awesome job Adam! You did a great job working through your plan. That is an awesome PR on that workout.
This is awesome man! So awesome!
Open WOD 16.5: 18:51 Rx (1:14 PR)
Oh hell yes!
Super good!
Open WOD 16.5: 23:53 Rx (:28 sec PR)
Thanks for the push at the end to get under the number Max!
Great job brother!
16.5: 12:18 (Open scaled)
CrossFit’s funny. The weight really doesn’t matter…intensity is where all the pain comes from. Doing it scaled this year because of my shoulder hurt every bit as bad as Rx two years ago. Hit it hard, folks.
Oh hell yes Ho!
16.5: 18:01 (RX and 2:00PR)