Weightlifting Wednesday
Minutes 1-9:
On the 90 Second x 6 Rounds:
2 Squat Snatches (80%)
4:00 Rest
Minutes 13-22:
On the 90 Second x 6 Rounds:
2 Squat Clean and Jerks (80%)
4:00 Rest
10 Overhead Squats @ 75/55
25 Double Unders
Box Brief
Wing Night at Buff’s Pub! See you at 8!
Snatch: 135#
C&J: 175#
Metcon: 9rds +3reps RX
Squat snatches: 55#
Clean and jerks: 75#
AMRAP 10: 45# / double-taps 10 rounds
After a slow start….
Snatch @135 (did three extra sets touch and last four sets were touch and go)
C&J @ 175 (shoulders were not there today)
Cash out: 100 OHS @95# 8:12, slow and steady
6×2 squat snatch 115 nice
6×2 squat clean & jerk 155 ugly
Amrap: 8+10 65#
Outside partner w/Maria (half of)
150-100-50 DU
50-36-20 WB 20/10′
Felt good for coming in so early!
snatch – 95#
C&J – 125#
amrap – 8+6 55#
Snatch: 140#
C&J: 180# Push Jerks
Amrap: 8 rounds, spent most of the time on DU attempts
125 x 155 x 10rds TREX and i was def getting low enough brian…
Snatch: 125#
C&J: 165#
AMRAP: stopped at 5 rnds Rx around the 6:30 mark, had to get to work…
Snatch: 125#
C&J: 165#
AMRAP: 8rds #65 – AirBike – calf still tight. Hoping next week it will be good to go.
Snatch: 75#
C&J: 85#
AMRAP: 7 @ 45
Snatch @ 195 (feeling good and snappy)
C + J @ 240 (clean feeling great…jerk…not so much)
AMRAP 10: 11+3
Sq. Snatch: 135# post surgery PR…and did it 12 times with no misses 🙂
Sq. C&J: 185#
AMRAP 10: 6 Rx…slow and steady and decided this was plenty.
Just keep swimming…
Bar movements @95# (…it’s the small victories)
8+17 Rx
AMRAP at the station: 7+10 rxd.
Squat Snatch 115
Squat clean and Jerk 145
AMRAP 8+10 75/DT
Snatch 70#
C&J 90#
AMRAP 8+5 35# double taps
115 squat snatch (slowly getting there)
180# squat C&J. (Felt pretty good)
Amrap….. 6 rounds 75# and 20 du’s
Need this rest day!
Squat snatch: 105 lbs which is roughly 70%, 115 would have been too heavy.
Square C+J: 145 lbs which 80% of 1 RM, felt better
Still jet lagged
Cash out: 65lbs, All OHS unbroken, 8 rounds, double taps for 5 rounds and DUs for 3.
DUs has suffered a lot. One goal for July will be to improve on it.
Snatch: 35# should have gone heavier….
C&J: 70# Got a PR!
Cash Out: 25#, 10 rounds – probably should have gone 5-10# heavier
It was a great night!
Wing night Rx’d
Squat snatch @ 115 ( felt ok, gotta swipe the hips more)
Squat C&J @155 (felt good, gotta get the regrip down better)
Cash out 6+10@65
Squat Snatch – 60#
C & SJ – 65#
Cash Out: AMRAP 10 – 10 rnds
35# Overhead Squat (4 rnds*) 35# BackSquat (6 rnds)
25 Double Tap Jumps
* my wrists could not hold the bar overhead any more – not sure why.
No extra work, body needs a rest.
Squat Snatch @ 95 – did all sets touch and go so probably need to establish my 1rm.
Squat Clean&Jerk @ 125 – the squat got me, not the jerk!
AMRAP-9 finalllly beating Sonny with a barbell involved
WLW- 155 snatch, 215 c&j
AMRAP: 8 rounds 8 reps
3 rounds for time: 10 wings and 1 beer
Snatch: 170
C&J: 215
AMRAP: 11+1 RX
Squat snatch @ 80#
Squat CJ @ 115#
AMRAP 6+6 Rx (shoulders SMOKED in round 5)
Great workout!!