Phil has been kicking a$$ and taking names! Get it Phil!
Weightlifting Wednesday
Starting on the 0:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 6
3 Squat Snatches (70%)
Rest 4:00
Starting on the 10:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 6
3 Squat Clean and Jerks (70%)
Rest 4:00
Starting at the 20:00
“Death by Toes to Bar”
Complete 1 Rep on the First Minute
Complete 2 Reps on the Second Minute
… And so on until…
Post Loads and Scores to Comments.
Box Brief
Bring a Friend Day is Tomorrow!
Squat Snatches: 145
Squat Clean and Jerks: 165
Death by Toes to Bar: 8+ then sit-ups till 12.
Squat Snatch 55#
Clean & Spit Jerk. 60#
Death by Knee Ups. 11 rnds
Crossover Symmetry. Activation
Squat snatches: 105#
Squat C&J: 145#
Death by TTB: 11 rnds Rx
Squat snatch – 30#
Squat C&J – 45#
Death by Knee-Ups – 7+
Squat snatch: 75#
Squat C&J: 115#
Death by sit-ups: 9 + 29 (164 total)
(Rep scheme 3, 6, 9, 12, 15…)
WOD at CrossFit Rife:
5 bear complex
Run 800
5 bear complex
Run 400
5 bear complex
Run 200
11:14 @ 115#
Squat Snatch: 120, a few misses but mostly triples
Squat C&J’s: 165 for 2 rds then dropped to 155
Death by TTB, 15 rounds ?
Home WOD:
Worked up to a heavy 2 rep pausing front squat (3 seconds in bottom) – 235#
EMOM 15:
Minute 1, 7 axle bar thrusters (95#)
Minute 2, 40 dubs
Minute 3, 15 Russian KBS (2 pood)
Squat Snatch 95
Squat clean and jerk 115
9th round +4 TTB
135 back squat
135 push press
Snatch: 150
C+J: 185
TTB: 14+14 RX
2×10 back squat- 225, 235
2×10 push press- 155, 165
Snatch @125
C&J @165
TTB 17 +11
5×10 Bench @145
5×10 Back squat @225
Holy TTB’s…nice work Avi!
Thanks, bud!
WLW- SS 85# SCJ 135#
Death by knee ups 14rd and 19 reps
Rowing 500m x 4rds, 3 mins rest between
1:41, 1:42, 1:42, 1:43
WLW is the best W
Squat snatch 100
Squat C&J 135 (split)
TTB 12 rounds
2×10 back squat 155, 175
2×10 push press 95, 105
WLW (@CFNE Mayhem):
Squat snatch: 50#
Squat clean & jerk: 65#
Death by 2xK2C: 9 rounds + 18 (double K2C per round; grip was toast)
Snatch @ 170
C + J @ 210
Death by Toes to Bar – 15+12
Squat snatch 46 lbs
C&j 65 lbs
Death by knees to chest then knee ups towards end 27 rds
Hands are killing me!!!
100# Snatch
130# Squat C+J
Death by toes-2-bar: 16+15
Thanks for the encouragement Max and the 6:30 peeps. I hope there are no T2B tomorrow.
Squat Snatches: 125# (all reps TnG)
Squat Clean and Jerks: 165#
Death by Toes to Bar: 12 rounds unbroken
The best day ever.
Snatches -135
All singles. Tried to work through some weird knee cave mechanics issue.
C&J – 185
I almost talked myself out of this weight before we started but I’m glad I did all 18 reps. Really fun.
I (heart) WLW
Snatch 80
Squat c+j 115
Death by t2b: 13
Squat snatch 40#
Squat clean and jerks 60#
Death by KTC- 20
WLW is my favorite day!
Snatch: 90# these felt better as the rounds went on.
C&J: 110#
Death by T2B: 14 + 10, thanks for the push and encouragement 5:30!
Squat Snatch @ 55#
Squat Clean and Jerks @ 85#
Death by T2B@ 9 rounds
*Progress: Weights for both movements increased by 10# from last week!
Snatch 95#
C&J 125#
Death by T2B: 9+7