Cam’s getting those shoulders warm for Weightlifting Wednesday!
Weightlifting Wednesday
Starting on the 0:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 9
1 Power Clean (70%)
Starting on the 12:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 9
1 Power Snatch (70%)
Starting on the 25:00…
For Time:
4 Sets of 20 Unbroken Deadlifts (185/135)
Box Brief
Here’s an oldie but a goodie from my days at CFNE…
Clean @ 105#
Snatch @ 75#
DL 4×20 unbroken @ 135# (didn’t know we needed to time) :/
WLW: 185/135, cash-out of 4 sets of 20 unbroken DL’s @ 225
Adam guilted me into doing the rowing WOD too..
Home WOD:
Rowing, 9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
Calories per interval: 38, 33, 33, 33, 34, 35, 34, 34, 36…then blackout
WLW: 155/125, 4×20 unbroken DL @ 185
Home WOD:
Rowing, 9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
Calories per interval: 36,31,30,30,29,32,30,26,27
“MWWCW” aka: Mr. Worldwide challenge WOD), kids DO try this at home!
Alternating EMOM x16
Minute 1: 40 Double under
Minute 2: 40 second plank hold
Rowing interval AND dub-planks…savage!
WLW: 185/145, 15,17,18,20 DL @ 185.
Hands down one of my favorite videos of all time.
#70 | #55 – again. grrrrrr
Cleans: 85#
Snatch: 55#
DL 4×20: 105#
Cleans 65#
Snatch 7 @ 45# & 2 @ 50#
All Day Long!!!!
Cleans: 65#
Snatch: 50#
Deadlifts: 6:09 (but had to reset grip at 14/20 on the last round)
Super duper asleep – commented on the wrong post!
Kristen Merritt on June 1, 2016 at 10:26 am
@ the CFNE Mayhem this morning (obviously still asleep)
DL: 115#
Cleans: 160#
Snatch: 105#
DL: 155#, No time
@ the CFNE Mayhem this morning (obviously still asleep)
DL: 115#
WLW OTMx9 70%: pc 145, ps 95
3×10 good morning @45
2×10 burpees
2×10 rebound box jumps (20″ & 24″)
row a bit. back feels ok
Cleans 145
Snatch 125
Dl 4×20 155 unbroken
Cleans: 180#
Snatch: 125#
DL 4×20 Unbroken @ 185#: 3:28
Classic vid!
Cleans 175# Snatch 115#
DL 4×20 unbroken 185#
Extra emom x 9
3PC 135#
Clean: 130
Snatch: 90
Cleans: 165#
Snatch: 110#
DL 4X20 unbroken 185# – 4:55
Cleans: 205#
Snatch: 135#
PC 140, PS 90
115 on deadlifts and the gluten burn was real
Cleans: 125#, Snatch: 85#, 165 Deadlift @ 4:58
Cleans 70#
Snatches 55#
DL 95#
Clean: 115#
Snatch: 80#
Power Clean: 145#
Power Snatch: 100#
Cleans: 195
Snatch: 155
DL: 3:58@185