3 Musketeers
3 rounds of:
60 Double Unders
30 Lateral Burpees
15 Deadlifts @ 245/165
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Internal Team Throwdown Hint #1:
Is it dirty in here?
3 Musketeers
3 rounds of:
60 Double Unders
30 Lateral Burpees
15 Deadlifts @ 245/165
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Internal Team Throwdown Hint #1:
Is it dirty in here?
3 Musketeers: 15:56 Rx
Woof. Burpees bout killt me to death…
3 musketeers 10:39
DT 225#
3 Musketeers: 13:30rx
3 Musketeers
Double Taps
3 Musketeers // 13:31rx
100 GHD
50 hip extensions
3 Musketeers: 13:50 30 Du’s, rest Rx
“So Kyle was just telling me that he placed an order for the Men’s Onesie that Cris posted out on CF Tilt FB page and I was like, Whoa… “
3 Musketeers:
12:00 100 # DL
had to step over bar on some of those burpees – whoa killer!
3 Musketeers: 12:14 Rx
1. Heavy triple sumo dead lift @335
2. Three Musketeers (with 30cal bike for burpees) 13.05
That bike is like running in waist-deep snow!
3 Musketeers: 14:44 @ 165
5×3 Deadlift, worked up to 345
Three Muskateers ~14:00 (CFNE version, 20 cal assault bike instead of burpees)
Midline Work
3 rounds not for time of:
20 GHD’s
25 Hip Bridges (95#)
30 second l-sit hold on paralettes
“OMG…have you seen Mr. Worldwide’s new haircut? He looks 15 years younger!”
3 Musketeers – 17:24 Rx.
15:49 1/2 DUs 125#
Caption: “I’m gonna win the beer mile by this much”
13:59 Rx
Burpees, your girlfriend. WOOF!
210# 13:40
13:49 225# 30 DU
August goal post to website!
12:21 double taps, 115#
I’m on board with the burpees, woof!
Cinnamon Roll 15:57 @185
13:19 double taps, 30 calorie assault bike, 155 dl.
“So….how much do you bench?”
#205, DT
Time = 15:35
10:10 rx
14:52 Rx
14:27, 175#, 1 min DUAs
Caption : want to help me eat that pizza? It’s that big!