Cement Shoes
On the Minute x 21:
Minute 1 – 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 15 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
Minute 3 – 15 Medball Squat Cleans (20/14)
Post Scores to Comments.
Box Brief
Spots are filling up for the rowing seminar this Sunday (Aug 21st) at 10am! So far we have: Pam, Charlie, Lisanne, Mandi, Kristen M, Alyssa (x2), and JD. Email max@crossfittilt.com to reserve your spot!
Cement Shoes: Done – Rx
Been feeling sluggish lately (prolly because if all my summer boozing, but whatever), so feels nice to get through this sweat fest without giving up on myself.
Get after it, folks. It’s a fun one. Have a great day!
I can’t even begin to describe how much that typo is killing me…
Cement Shoes // Rx
Great workout to start vacation. I wish everyone a fantastic week. See you in 10 days.
Cement Shoes: RX
3 Rounds not for time
30 Back Extension
:30 Hollow Hold
Cement Shoes
20# med ball
Cement shoes RX
Cement shoes Rx
3 rounds untimed
30 situps
30 super mans
Accumulate :30 hollow hold
22 push-ups day 17 with Teri
12/13/14 – a little too conservative in round 1 on the row and box jumps, but was worried about holding on – next time!
Cement Shoes
11/13/11 (14# med ball)
Cement Shoes: Complete but with airdyne sub for BJO’s. (Knee)
5×3 DL: 275, 315, 335, 345, 355
3×21 GHDSU’s, 1 minute rest between sets
Cement Shoes
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cement_shoes ** not sure if there was hidden meaning on naming this one… I mean, just think how long it would take to cure that cement before you could toss someone into the “drink”? Would that person be dead first? alive? hmmm.. many things to think about.
10# Med Ball
10 cal/12 box step overs/12 MB Squat Cleans
maintained ~38 sec pace throughout 7 rnds except for last 2 rnds of step overs ~42sec
Bulgarian Split Squats 10 ea side x 2
5 shoulder shrugs on bar
4 kip swings on bar
8 kipping leg ups (to L) on bar
CrossOver Symmetry Activation 10/7
Shoulder presses
20# kb 10 ea side
30# kb 5 ea side
22 20″ box push ups
1. Cement Shoes (as a 20min AMRAP with 2 pood goblet squats): 7 +36
2. 3 giant sets of 30 GHDSU/30 Hip ex/30 sec hollow hold
Cement Shoes: #completelyfellapart
Cement shoes:
step ups
#10 Med ball (trouble with this one)
Cement quads
Completed Rx
Loved it.
Cement shoes RX I’m glad I stuck with it on this one.
15 set-ups: Apparently knee does not too well with twisting motions
Rx ball
Cement shoes:
14# medball
Cement Shoes – Rx. Took 57 seconds and 26 pulls each time to get those 12 calories.