Toes to Bah!
Total Recall
3 Rounds of:
21 Calorie Row
15 Power Cleans @ 155/105
9 Box Jumps @ 30/24
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
It’s almost Thursday! YES! Almost time to throw down with our best buds for Bring a Friend Day!
Toes to Bah!
Total Recall
3 Rounds of:
21 Calorie Row
15 Power Cleans @ 155/105
9 Box Jumps @ 30/24
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
It’s almost Thursday! YES! Almost time to throw down with our best buds for Bring a Friend Day!
Total Recall: 12:03 (135#)
Total Recall: 13:44rx
Total Recall 11:03
135 30
12:45 scaled. Jump extra high on your first box jump… wish I had listened to Braatz.
Total Recall: 9:58 (135#) Got the watery mouth on last 4 box jumps. thought for sure I was going to have to make a run for the trash can. Great pace Mike!
Good ol’ juicy jaw!
Awesome pace Brad! I thought I was going to take a header into the box on the last set of jumps!
Total Recall: 14:35 Rx.
Always humbling to come back from vacation.
13:38 95#/ 24″
I did one power clean without a hook grip and it felt weird. I guess I’m used to the hook grip.
11:15 #55, 20 in SU arms were jello from strict press yesterday –
Total recall: 13:22
50#; 20″ box step-ups
Total Recall: 10:21 (135#, 30)
Total D-Bell 13:51
1:00 treadmill incline 10 5-6mph
15 DB power clean 2×45
9 burpee broad jumps
“The Dumbbells will continue until morale improves!”
bro sesh
3×10 ea side DB row 45
10×2 ea side strict press 45
3×3 ea Bulgarian split squat 40
Even: 5 ea side 1 leg DL 90
Odd :40 du trys Some 15-20s
my time was 15:40 – 40# cleans
Yes they will…
Total Recall 11:17 RX
3 rounds:
21 cal Row
15 cal Ski Erg
9 cal Airdyne
Total Recall: 9:29 Rx
Total Recall: 12:03 (135#)
8:20 rx
Travel WOD
5 rounds
200m run
20 Russian swings with a cinder block
9:16 rx’d
13:22 #75 W/ Soft Box Jumps
21 cal row
15 power cleans
9 Soft Box Jumps
Total Recall: 8:20 rx
Total Recall – 8:38rx
OTM x 8
Odd – 20 Deadlifts @ 225 (tried to get all rounds unbroken but couldn’t hold on in round 4)
Even – 50 DU
105# / step ups bc of foot/ankle injury
Total recall 12:24 RX
Juh-Swellin! See what I did there? Get it? You’re swole!
12:33 @ 135, 24″ box step-ups
Total Recall: 12:40 (70#; 20″ Soft Box jumps)
14:27ish, 100#, 24inch BXJMP
Seattle Vacation continues: Dropped in to Crossfit Felix:
2 minutes max wall balls,
1 minute rest,
10 AMRAP 21 air squats 15 situps, 9 push-ups,
1 minute rest 2 minutes max wall balls.
48 wall balls round 1, 8 rounds +16, 47 wall balls round 2