40 Burpees
30 Box Jumps @ 24/20
20 Toes to Bar
10 Power Cleans @ 185/135
20 Toes to Bar
30 Box Jumps @ 24/20
40 Burpees
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Bring a Friend Day is THIS Thursday! Tell EVERYONE!
40 Burpees
30 Box Jumps @ 24/20
20 Toes to Bar
10 Power Cleans @ 185/135
20 Toes to Bar
30 Box Jumps @ 24/20
40 Burpees
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Bring a Friend Day is THIS Thursday! Tell EVERYONE!
Braveheart: 12:24 RX
I see what you did there
Final set of burpees sealed the deal today! Good push!
Braveheart: 13:32rx
Braveheart: 16:08 165#
14:07 165#
12:49 135 lb
Braveheart: 14:31rx
Tarps off = beast mode activated!
Braveheart: 15:52 Rx
Brave Heart – 9:52 PC @ 225#
So fast!
Ummmm dang son.
Brave Heart: 11:34 (40cal on an Airdyne…I would have preferred burpees!)
3 sets of 8 UB PC @155
Rest 3 minutes
3 12 UB Power Cleans @135
9.45 Rx (woof!)
75 DU w/ 30sec rest in between sets
Braveheart: 12:42 Rx
Braveheart: 10:31 RX
5 RFT 75 DU’s :30 rest between rounds 8:45
10:40 RX. It was all fun and exciting when Max whispered to me that Sonny was only 6 burpees ahead of me in the last set, and I could surely beat him. Only to find out he had previously whispered in Sonny’s ear that I was only a few cleans ahead of him, and he could surely beat me. Sonny beat me by 2 reps and now it. is. on.
5 RFT DU’s :30 rest – 5:45, somehow did each set unbroken. small victory of the day 🙂
Braveheart (all time favorite movie, on VHS preferably)
12:17 #85
9:20 RX
12:32 Rx Weight but box step-ups
11:41 @ 145#
Nice pic dude!!!
14:50 – 165# and Toes to Kettlebell. Thanks for push at the end tonight 05:30!
14:45 box steps, 35#, strict knees to chest – look forward to heavier #’s next time…
Cleans at 75#
Braveheart: 12:24 @ 140#
16:30 ? #75.
13:53 Rx
13:46 (Knees-2-Chest, 135lbs)
Braveheart: 17:41 (65#; Kipping Leg Ups)
Braveheart – 12:50
Aerodyne/Step ups/Knee Ups/Power Clean @ #75