All for one and one for all! Our Teens Class is up and running and kicking butt! Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays! It’s on!
Big Baseline
50 Calorie Row
40 Front Squats (135/95)
30 Toes to Bar
20 Push Jerks (135/95)
10 Muscle-Ups
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
The Real Food Nutrition Challenge is coming in May…
Big Baseline: 13:45 (115#, BU/PU). Felt gassed through most of the workout.
Couldn’t tell, push jerks looked strong today!
Big Baseline: 14:27 (95#,BU/PU w/purple band)
Super consistent Mike. Keep up the hard work!
Big baseline: 13:51 (55#, Burpee/ring pull-ups). Love the 5:30 am class!
And we love having you in the 530am!
Big Baseline
14:31 95# BP/PU
Way to go Adam! Everyday you’re making progress!
Big Baseline 16:20 45# Knee to Chest Burpee/RR
LOVE LOVE LOVE your dedication Cindy!
Big Baseline: 13.34 Rx
Got stuck on the MU
You have been SMASHING things lately! So awesome seeing you crush it!
Thanks, bud! See yall tomorrow night!
I maybe on vacation but I’m still getting good workouts!
Today we did 3 push presses, 2 power jerks 5 chin ups after each round (I did chin ups from an ab mat to the bar)-8 rounds@ 85lb
Metcon 5 rounds
10 burpee pull ups(did on 2 45lb weights and jumped)
14 dumbbell snatches @20lb
Woo, my shoulders are sore!
YAY! So proud!
Big Baseline: 16:10 rx
Happy Birthday Big Guy! Flying on the barbell today. When dial in your big man gymnastics it’ll be a game changer!
Nice job to the noon class today!
Remember- the muscle up is a press down through the lats, not a pull wig the biceps.
Focus on the swing and applying pressure to the rings in both the hollow and arch.
5×5 push press with 3 sec hold & the top
Big baseline
Emom snatch work up to 215, called it good for the day!
Tomorrow is going to be a blast!
Nice Eamon! That’s a blazing time on Big Baseline!
18:33 RX muscle ups are my Achilles heel, definitely need to do my homework on building up my strict strength. Thanks for the push and motivation, 5:30! Nice work everyone!
HA-UGE Rx on todays workout!
11:44 RX up until the Muscle ups. Subbed Burpee strict pull ups for those at the end. Shoulders were toasty.
Ashley and JD smoked those muscle ups under exhaustion like CHAMPS
Front squats were SMOOOOOOOOOOTH! Largest lower body in the game! Rick, you’ve got tree trunks for legs!
They make L-sits impossible, but they drive the ladies wild.
PS Don’t tell my wife.
Big Baseline: 14:45 RX
Coming back from a shoulder issue so MU’s were slow and singles but moved well through the rest. Good day all in all.
T2B were on point today!
Big Baseline: 13:43 105#, 20 T2B, 10 strict burpee pull ups.
You’ve found your groove Rob! Keep coming in and getting fitter!
Big Baseline: 12:35 95#, knees-to-chest, burpees/strict pull-ups
Climbing back in the weight!
Weight 105lbs, will use 115lbs next.
Need to really work on straightening the arm on bottom of the ring muscle-up. All muscle-ups performed were bro-reps.
Switched the gravatar! Thanks for helping me demo tonight! Best hollow rocks in the biz!
Anytime Max. Looking forward to the gymnastics seminar.
Me too!
13:15 @ 105# and Burpee chest to bar pullups
13:17 @ 95# + 5 MU
Going to be slower, but next time need to try 105#.
10:30 rx
60#, knees to chest, burped ring rows
15:24 @ 85# because #babylegs
14:46 Rx
Big Baseline: 13:02 (55#; K2C; Burpee+RR)