Elbows Up!
Double Trouble
Teams of 2
200m Row
20 Double Unders
20 Sit-Ups
Partner one completes full round then switch.
Post Team Names and Scores to Comments.
Box Brief
Find a partner, think of up a clever team name and get fired up because this one is going to burn!
Team Top Gun w/ Joe Mooch
10 complete rounds
18 points for 100m warmup rounds
Congrats to Joe Mooch for becoming a licensed pilot! He now needs a call sign.
Congrats Mooch!
Team No Bull w/ Dennis: 11 + 200m + 1 DU (1RX / 1DT)
“Married with Children” – with my main squeeze
20 rounds
double taps
Travel WOD
AMRAP 20: 200m run, 1 rope climb, 40DU, 1 rope climb. 6rounds +1 (used heavy rope for DUs)
Travel WOD @ CrossFit Elevation:
20 mins to get to 1RM Front Squat – 135# (PR)
0-4 min: 500m Row Time Test – 1:59
4-16 min: 3RFT of 8 Hang Cleans + 8 Front Squats (@65#) – 4:04
16-end min: 500m Row Time Test – 2:01
Nice FS! Also, love how consistent your rows were! Hooray! Vacation! Working out!
Team “Eddie got Robbed” w/ Eddie Money. 12 + 78m Rx. Fun times chasing after Ricky C and Coach Brian