Helloooooooo Thursday!
Teams of 2:
100 Burpees
100 Toes to Bar
100 Jumping Lunges
100 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
100 Calorie Row
Partners divide up the work however they’d like to.
Post teams and times to comments.
Box Brief
Super psyched to have Ben Bergeron over at TILT today to coach the nooners!
Team so-low
50 burpees
50 toe to bar
50 jumping lunges
50 kettle ball swings
50 call row
Jeff and Sam. 22:15 or so. I think we did 90 or 95 burpees, full reps on other movements. Both did knee raises and 35#kbs. I switched to squats after 3 rounds of jumping lunges.
Great time and a great, supportive group as always
Dude, that row was…FAST!
The Goonies (Max and Tully) – 14:00rx
Great having Ben B in the house coaching the nooners!
WLW at home today…WLT, went up in weight because I wasn’t sure how wrist would feel
Cleans, 2@185, 2@190, 2@195, 2@200
Snatches, 2@115, 2@120, 2@125, 2@130, 2@135 and 1@145 for good measure
Cash out w/ 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 OHS @95, 6:24
Catching up from yesterday, WOD at CrossFit Recursive in WI
50 cal row
40 walking lunge steps
30 burpees
20 KBS (1.5 pood)
10 MU’s
20 KBS
30 burpees
40 lunge steps
50 cal row
19:30 (MU’s were slow singles today)
Solo wingman 50 of each (knees to chest)
Wingman (made up during open gym on Sunday 6/19 with Lara V.): 26:07
– 100 Burpees-KM/Plank-LV
– 100 Walking lunges + 14#MB
– 100 KB Swings (30/20)
– 100 Cal Row