Goat Day
On the Minute x 20
Odd – Goat 1
Even – Goat 2
Need to work on some of your April goals? Still trying to figure out what to work on in May? Come in and let’s figure it out!
Box Brief
A lot going on next week! Thursday is Bring a Friend Day, Friday is Potluck and Game Night, and Sunday is Gymnastics Seminar with Eamon! So exciting!!!
Odd: 10 burpees
Even: 1 rope climb
First rope climbs in months felt great. Waking up at 4:40 am for the first time in months did not feel great. #brutal #badhaireverywhere
Odd 5 Toe to bar
Even 10 burpee
Row: 40 seconds
Squat Clean: 3 at 55#
Really solid work on those squat cleans, Annie!
Odd: Ring Rows
Even: Practicing Double Unders
Can string 2 together, keep failing on 3rd (though I did string eleven – just once…). I have to stop jumping my knees up high and then stomping the ground like a lunatic.
Odd minute: 30 seconds on the evil bike (amounts to 13-14 cals)
Even minute: 3 DL + 3 Hang PC + 3 PJ @ 95
Thanks to Max and Brian for good barbells feedback, definitely my goats! (barbels, not the dudes)
Home WOD from approved list: 100 push-ups for time (also a goat):
ODD – 8 butterflies – goal of getting my capacity up. I’ve historically been able to do 5 pretty ones and then I’m basically a drunk orangutan. Felt alright today and stuck 8 throughout
EVEN – Strict HSPU – My worst movement by far, wound up doing a negative + kip + negative after two rounds.
5×3 Deadlift, 275 to 365
Split jerk work (helps when you get your head through!)
Hatch Squat Program, week 8 day 2
Min 1: 6 to 7 HSPU’s
Min 2: 30 quality dubs
OTM x 30
1 – 15 cal row
2 – 20 cal air dyne
3 – 12 cal ski
Accompanied Max on the OTM x30…It was unpleasant
1- Burpees: Started at 15 for a few then 12 and then 10 to finish up.
2- Air Dyne: 15 calories
Even: Double unders x until I threw the rope across the gym
Odd: 2 Muscle ups
Even: 6 strict press (95#). Had to drop down to 5 on last 3 sets
Odd: 4 strict pull ups
Evens- 4 Strict Pull Ups, 4 Strict HSPU (trying to get some nice push/pull gymnastics volume in)
Odds- 3 Position Power Snatch (light).. just worked technique and speed.
Odd- 10 Ring Rows
Even – 8 OHP @ 65lbs
Home WOD: 300 air squats. Didn’t track time, but much harder than I thought it would be!
Aerodyne @ 13 Cal every 40 seconds
Row consistent at 32 s/m