Come out for the 630am today and throw down with Annie aka Shaq aka T Swizzle.
Today is Bring a Friend Day!
Teams of 2
3 rounds each
Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35
Row Calories
One partner completes entire round while other partner rests. Workout ends when both partners have completed 3 full rounds.
Post Teams Names and Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Get to the 630am for the playlist of the century! It’s going to be better than Brian Jonas’s haircut!
Team Gotta Catch a Train (w/ Paul): 24:46 Rx
Paul really had to catch a train!
Awesome playlist Annie!
Team Maverick
Good push today Lewis.
Thanks Adam! And great help/coaching on my row. Felt way stronger during the later rounds.
Team Shaq Attack (with Emily)
34-something? Rx
Nothing like pulling yourself out of bed this morning because the workout “doesn’t look bad” (as you understood it), only to find out that you are. Dead. Wrong. ?
“The Big Aristoteles” with Matt (to whom goes the credit for the team name, I had to google that one once I got home).
25:57 Rx
Kazaam with Steve S: 26:07 Rx. Sweaty!
Travel Wod from Prague Czech
4 rounds: 18ish
400 treadmill @8% incline
5 strict Pull Ups
10 Push ups
15 KB (45) Squats
Kazaam with Sam from the Brandeis U basketball team. He is an animal on that rower. 22:42
100 total cals on the airdyne (bike)
Then every minute burpees from 10->1 until 100 cals on the bike. I got there after the round of 2 burpees.
Kazaam with Luke
Team: Beards R Us
20:53 35#
Team Blue Chips (with Jack from the Brandeis basketball team) 20:44 (53/35) – Great WOD
Down in FL for the long weekend. Travel WOD:
100 Burpees: 6:43
Rest 3 mins
5 x 20
Air Squats
Push Ups
With Rick, Team “Age Before Beauty” finished at 25:34. I used 53lb kb for round one and the second 15 and then went down because my grip was shit. Rick was at 35 throughout
Team Beefy Bottoms with Dave
21:19 53/35
Fun partner workout!
Kazaam with Brian S.
The Young and The Old: 18:49 Rx
Kazaam: Team 20 Days Later: 26:52 (35/30#)
Partnered with Kate and she rocked it