Those Sunday feels
Open Gym 9am – 12pm
50-40-30-20-10 Calories Row
25-20-15-10-5 Bench Press @ 135/95
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Box Brief
Nothing better than a little push and pull on a Sunday!
Those Sunday feels
Open Gym 9am – 12pm
50-40-30-20-10 Calories Row
25-20-15-10-5 Bench Press @ 135/95
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Nothing better than a little push and pull on a Sunday!
16:38. 50#. (Could have gone heavier).
10 shoulder shrugs on bar 2 x 5
10 knee ups unbroken
10 shoulder presses 20# kb each side
5 kip swings
10×1 Clean & Jerk (not exactly OTM…) built 125..185 (PR), then 3×175
Dry run (2 rounds) of OSMT WOD 2 – 5:25
10 cal row
10 thrusters 95#
10 LBH burpees
10 Wall Ball 20#/10′
cashout 5 c2b ring pullups
Travel WOD today: 7 rounds for time
10 push-ups
20 sit-ups
30 air squats
40 Dubs
(I lost all rhythm in the dubs after the 3rd round)
Team WOD at home: ; (29:15)
Teams of 2: (95/65)
100 Power Cleans
60 Power Snatch
40 OHS
20 Thrusters
Until team is finished with STOH’s, one partner works while other partner does 14 cal assault bike (guys) or 12 calories row (girls), after that one rests and one works
Saturday’s patio wod at TILT- emom x10, 5hpc 155# and 5cbpu. Teams of two 10K row 41:25
Sunday’s patio wod at CFNE- emom x10, 6 dumbbell snatches 50#, emom x 10, 2 bear complexs 115#, farmers
carry across patio 20 times 70#, team of 3 150 cals on ski erg.
Travel WOD Sunday:
Death by burpees – 14 rounds (morning)
Bench press 25; 20; 15; 10; 5 @ 115#
1 minute rest after sets 1-3 and 30 seconds rest before final 5 reps total time = 6:48