3 rounds of:
800m Run
30 Squat Cleans @ 95/65
30 Burpees
*Please note that this workout was originally programmed with dumbbells @ 50/35. Because we do not have dumbbells we are using barbells.
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Box Brief
U.S. Air Force Security Forces 1st Lt. Joseph D. Helton, 24, of Monroe, Ga., assigned to the 6th Security Forces Squadron at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., was killed September 8th, 2009, while on a mission near Baghdad, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. Helton is survived by his mother, Jiffy Helton.
Get after it today TILT!
Helton :: 25:47 RX
100 GHD
50 Hip extensions
35 lb squat cleans
RX run & burpees
Thanx coach Tully for pushing those last 20 burpees!
Helton 26:49 RX
28:22 @ 75#
E2MOM for 5 sets: 2 pausing push jerks plus one push jerk (165# across)
EMOM for 5 sets: 2 front squats (165, 185, 195, 215, 235), rest 3,
EMOM for 5 sets: power clean into hang squat clean (165 across)
2 RFT:
12 squat clean @135
21 bar facing burpees
1000 meter row
(Was supposed to be 3 RFT but totally ran out of gas)
Quick one at home:
Accumulate 2:00 L-hold on paralettes plus 100 push-ups.
Helton: rx(2 rnds + 17 squat cleans) 35:00 min cap. Oooof tough one but a great one.
600m; 35#; 30 cal bike
Helton – 25ish, 2 rounds 800m/95#. Oof, I want a do-over, better pacing next time.
Before – 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk build to 155. 30-20-10 DU & situps.
Helton: 34:02 (75#)
600m run
30,20,20 squat cleans
20,20,20 burpees
Hot hot hot
35# bar
1. Split jerk up to 215# (20# PR)
2. 5×5 unbroken MU
3. Helton: 30.55 with dumbbell
100 degrees in the shade…runs were all in the sun…felt rough!
Nice, Avi, Congrats on the PR!
Helton: 33:31
RX run and burpees
I was a puddle of jelly by end of round 2. Round 3 was a blur. I’m pretty sure I was swearing every time I took a break (which was often)…
I was swearing and apologizing to Vicki’s mom as I did it, but I couldn’t stop myself!!!
Helton 38:13 @35# dumbbells at the firehouse