Road Runner
Teams of 2:
1200m Run
50 Burpee Box Jumps
50 Hang Power Snatch
800m Run
40 Burpee Box Jumps
40 Hang Power Snatch
400m Run
30 Burpee Box Jumps
30 Hang Power Snatch
Barbell @ 95/65
Box @ 24/20
Post Teams Names and Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Open Gym on Sunday is a perfect time to come in and work on your July goals!
Team dingle dangle Kyle and Paul 25:27 @ 85#
With Adam Stevens @ CrossFit Casa Miguel:
EMOM 10:
1 Squat Clean and Split Jerk at 80%
2 Muscle Ups
CFNE WOD (Road Runner) 27:02 as team of 2 instead of 3 but did full reps:
100 Cal Row
100 Box Jump Overs (24″)
50 Power Snatch (95#)
50 OH Reverse Lunges (95#)
50 Sumo DL High Pulls (95#)
100 Box Jump Overs
100 Cal Row
Hard work today!!
What he said ^
Team Jake & Elwood with Dave Hanlon
We did 2400 meters, 120 burpees/box jumps, and 120 hang power snatches. It’s 7AM. We’ve got protein shakes. It’s sweaty. And we are sore. Hit it!
Solo custom WOD
50 cal air bike
25 hps 35#
15 bpu 20″
40 cal bike
20 hps
10 bpu
30 cal bike
15 hps
5 bpu
Road Runner
Team Water Fairies – Cindy and Mandi
Plate jump burpees
Congratulations to Mandi for an amazing first week at TILT!
Road Runner @ CFNE w Ben and Sarah 24:08
100 cal row
100 box jump overs 24″
50 power snatches 95#
50 FR reverse lunges- 95# scaled movement
50 Sumo deadlift high pulls 95#
100 box jump overs 24″
100 cal row.
Extra- Emom x 20, 1C&SJ 135# then hit 155, 175 and 195 for a 10#pr
Farmers carry down and back on the patio x 10
Road Runner: 21:58 Rx
Team Italian Stallions with Dave S.
I can’t feel my knees
Road Runner
Tilt’n Twins with Sue
30:20 35#
Would have shaved some time had I not tried to run an additional 200m at the end……?!?!?!