Stone Shoulders
800m Run
30 Power Snatches
800m Run
30 Overhead Squats
800m Run
30 Thrusters
Barbell @ 95/65
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Box Brief
Two more days of the CrossFit Games! Any guesses for the final workout?
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Stone Shoulders
800m Run
30 Power Snatches
800m Run
30 Overhead Squats
800m Run
30 Thrusters
Barbell @ 95/65
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Box Brief
Two more days of the CrossFit Games! Any guesses for the final workout?
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Stone Shoulders: 19:47x
Stone shoulders 14:47 75
Suburban thruster with front squat
Stone Shoulders: 17:22 75#
100 GHD
Catch up…
1. Mashed Potatoes: 8:35
2. 3×8 FS @225
3. 7×5 unbroken Pull ups
4. 7×10 GHDSU
17:28 rx
7 sets of 5 unbroken muscle ups for time 6:10 could have taken less time between sets
Emom 10
1 power clean, 3 fs, 1 push jerk 185#