Name this athlete.
5 Pull-Ups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
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Box Brief
It’s BBQ time! Check the Facebook group or the front desk at the gym for the address! See you all there!
Name this athlete.
5 Pull-Ups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
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Box Brief
It’s BBQ time! Check the Facebook group or the front desk at the gym for the address! See you all there!
14 + 15 Rx
At home w/ Good Hair Squad partner Adam:
Complex of 1 squat clean, hang squat clean, jerk. Worked up to 185, missed jerk at 195 (will try again later ?)
6-5-4-3-2-1 of muscle ups and front squats from the ground (185#), MU’s were 5-1, 4-1, 3-1, 3, 2, 1, FS’s UB
Strict Cindy, 14+15 (was targeting 15, about 10 seconds off)
Michael’s hair was definitely on point today. Tan game is strong too.
BB Complex, 155/165/175/185/195 (10lb PR)
MU/FS: 6/5/4/3/2/1, good day on MU’s, 4/2, 3/2, 3/1, 3, 2, 1, FS @ 185
Cindy: 17+5, push ups were garbage today
Always a good time at the Worldwide Compound.
I LOVE CINDY: 22 + 12 RX
Cindy: 16 + 17 (RRs, 24″ Box PUs)
** Nailed first 5 Push Ups unbroken every round with solid form!! 🙂
Cindy: 17+4 (RR, 24″Box Push Ups)
I know who the athlete is…
Cindy: 7+9 rx
I think I spent about 10 minutes just doing pushups, slow and steady…
That is either Kristen or Sue!
17 + 5
Cindy: 22rx
Strict Cindy: 19 Rx
Butterfly pull-ups for last 2 rounds.
Cindy: 21 + 23 HRPU
Filigree Jewelry in Fashion | Handcrafted Fine Jewelry Blog by John S. Bri8a&#n230;Faligree is an ornamental metalwork design used in many craft and design areas. In jewelry making its delicate and lacy texture was originally crafted by hammering or rolling gold, silver, copper, or platinum into thin wire and then twisting, bending a…
Congrats to all the new moms! My baby just turned 1. The time flys so fast. Shout out to all the mothers, espcliaely the single mothers that are holdin it down. Keep your head up cause our children are the future! Times may be tough, but tough times makes the easy ones a breeze!