Congratulations to Brandon Merritt! You are the 1st place finisher for the CrossFit TILT Nutrition Challenge!
4 rounds of:
400m Run
4 Muscle Ups
40 Double Unders
Post Scores to Comments.
Congratulations Brandon on some amazing results!
– Perfect points
– Lost 4 inches of his waist
– Lost 21.2 pounds
– Down 4% body fat
– PR’d The Good Life by 1:35
Before we crown our 2nd and 3rd place finishers of the challenge I just want to take a moment and point out that we had 10 athletes who finished with perfect points! That is freaking amazing! Ok now onto your 2nd and 3rd place finishers…
It was an incredibly close race, in fact it was too close to call…
Our 2nd and 3rd place finishers are a tie!
Congratulations to Kate Peck and Kristen Merritt!
These ladies crushed the challenge!
Kristen Merritt
– Perfect points
– Lost 12.4 pounds
– PR’d The Good Life by 1:50
Kate Peck
– Perfect points
– Lost 2.5 inches off her waist
– Down 5% body fat
Thank you to everyone who participated in our first ever CrossFit TILT Nutritional Challenge! I am so proud of our gym!
If you’d like your individual results in writing email Coach Brian Jonas.
Congrats Brandon!!!!
And everyone else who made a significant change in their approach and relationship with food!
Strong work to all who dipped their toes into the Paleo lifestyle and made such great changes to their bodies. 10 people with perfect scores is amazing and all the PR’s being posted and inches lost are a testament to our resolve to make a better self. Tip of the cap to all, especially Brandon, Kate, and Kristen! Here’s to many more PR’s and healthier choices for our lives moving forward.
Well said Leard.
Congrats Brandon, Kristen and Kate!!!!!
Congrats to all and an extra fist bump to Brandon! I’ve noticed some amazing results across the board at Tilt; an amazing group of athletes!
Nice job Brandon, congrats!
Schlitz: 13:27rx, first time
Ya Buddy. Nice work Brandon.
Schlitz: 15:52 (Burp/PU) First time with all 40DU.
Schlitz: 15:23 (2 MU per Rd)
Nice win Brandon.
Shlitz 12:20 strict PU / DT
Snatch squat 125
Snatch pull 185
Congratulations Brandon!!
400 m row, 2 muscle ups, 10 cal bike
Woot woot. Well done guys! Nice job sticking with it. Way to work on the WODs as well. Proud of you guys!
Nice work Brandon, Kristen & Kate!
Schlitz: 12:04 Rx w/ 20 DU Att’s
Brandon! w00t!
shlitz: 19:36 kinda went off the rails:
run 1 round, row 400m 3 rounds (hurt my foot landing on MU?)
2 MU singles each round except round 4: 1 MU, 2 attempts
DU attempts: 40-25-40-25
Today’s victory was first time doing MU’s in a real WOD.
OTMx10 snatch: 3×115, 3×125, 4×135
3×2 back squat: 205
It was pretty sweet seeing you hit MU in the WOD today!
Big win
Nice job on those MU!
Schlitz @ CFNE Mayhem: 19:43 (8 burpee/RRs + 1min DUAs each round)
DUs got better in later rounds – 6s and 7s; coworkers asked if I was attacked by Wolverine
Thanks to everyone for the support during the challenge! Such an amazing month for our family and extended TILT family! Great job, everyone!
Schlitz: 14:20ish at home
EMOM Snatch:
95-155, then got greedy and went to 165, missed and had to drop all the way back to 135
Schlitz: 10:12 RX
Congrats, Brandon!
1. Squat snatch EMOMx10 @155
2. 5×1 Snatch pull @225
3. 3×2 Back squat @325
4. Schlitz 17.12Rx (rope broke, both hands tore, super bummed)
Schlitz = 13:26
400m Row
Round 1: 4 Kipping MUs, Rounds 2 and 3: 2 Strict MUs and Round 4: 3 Strict MUs
20 DUs (today somehow DUs just was not happening)
Great job everyone on the nutrition challenge!
Schlitz – 1020rx
Congrats Brandon!
San Diego WOD: 25ish
25 cal bike
5 rounds (Cindy- 5,10,15)
25 cal bike
5 rounds (5,10,15)
25 cal bike
5 rounds (5,10,15)
25 cal bike
12:18 rx
Congrats Brandon, Kristen and Kate!
Schlitz: 13:06 Rx
Congratulations Brandon, Kristen and Kate!
Shlitz: 17:00 with 8 B-PU per rd
Schlitz: 9:36 RX