Bergeron Beep Test
On The Minute for as Long as Possible:
7 Thrusters (75/55)
7 Pull-Ups
7 Burpees
Complete 1 round at the top of each minute until you can no longer.
Post Rounds and Reps to Comments.
Box Brief
Every Thursday is Bring a Friend Day at TILT! Tell everyone!
Bergeron Beep Test @ CFNE Mayhem:
20 rounds @ 4 reps each movement/round (35#/RR)
Likely too much scaling
Awesome support to keep going from Harry & the entire Mayhem class
Fitness Test #8 @ Crossfit Rife in VA Beach:
EMOM as long as possible, 5 push press, 6 TTB, 7 thruster (75#)
10 rounds + 11 rep
Oh hey, how did you like Rife? I have a friend in VA Beach. Congrats on the comp yesterday too!
Hey Edwin, CF Rife was good! I’ll be back there this week for sure. Would recommend.
Thanks for the kind words on the comp, it was fun and hard!
Bergeron Beep Test: 10+13 (75#, 5-5-5) for some reason I thought we were done at 10. I made it all the way outside and Brain: “3-2-1..” ran back to bar but was mentally out of game, couldn’t pull in together.
Bergeron Beep Test: 14+11 (65#, 4-4-4)
Bergeron Beep Test: 20 rounds (35#, RRs, 4-4-4)
Mental game began at 10 rounds, But my time domain did not budge off of 36-38 secs until rnd 18.
Maybe heavier next time? or 5x
Terri, you’ve absolutely crushed it! Great job, especially on that mental game!
Bergeron Beep Test: 20 rounds- 3-3-3 (25#,RR)
My time on my test round was right where Brian wanted it, but once I moved my barbell closer to the rings for the actual I shaved a few seconds off. So I think I should have done 4-4-4. Next time!
Bergeron Beep test: 17 rounds with 5 reps scheme, 75# bar.
As soon as time domain started creeping towards :50s, I gave up mentally. Next time trying 6 reps!
20 rounds, 4-4-4, 35#, ring rows
I finished between :42-:44 every round, until the last 3 where I increased to 5 ring rows and finished at :54 each time.
The nice thing about this WOD was that I genuinely thought I was done at about round 6, but then pushed to round 10. At that point, marathon training kicked in and I was able to plow through. I didn’t realize how much marathon training had an impact on me until today, so it’s a great motivation heading into my last few weeks of training.
Thanks for having me back for the weekend. See you all in August!
Great job and good luck with the race, you’re going to crush it!
Jeff, what is your profile photo? Does Max know you’re stalking him? he he
If you had stopped, I would have…. glad you were there to spurn me ahead!! see you in Late August!!
Bergeron Beep Test – 6 rounds, 5-5-5 75#. bleh. Flesh was willing but the mind was weak.
BBT: 12 + 12 (5/5/5 @75#)
Travel wod : tabata double unders, 3 minute rest, 10 minute AMRAP 10 push-ups 15 air squats. 13+6
Bergeron Beep Test: 8+18 Rx
Beep Test.. 11+12 RX
Bergeron beep test- 6rds 65# extra 6rds of 25cals ab w 60 sec rest between rds.
Nothing left in the tank after the weekend, tues rest day!
BBT: 15 rounds
Rounds 1-10, (5,5,5) 75#, strict pull-ups
Rounds 11-15 (6,6,6) 75#, kipping PU
Bergeron Beep Test
17+11 4/4/4 35# RR
Bergeron Beep Test: 8+20 RX
BBT: 9 + 16 with 6 rep scheme @ #65
*Boom! There it is!!! Thanks for pushing me last night!
Beep test: 6+13 65# 6 rep scheme.
Bergeron Beep Test: 12 rounds 55# (4-4-4)
Thanks for doing those last burpees with me! You were my heeero!