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30 Power Snatches @ 135/95
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Bring a Friend Day is THIS Thursday! How many friends should you bring? All of them!
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30 Power Snatches @ 135/95
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Bring a Friend Day is THIS Thursday! How many friends should you bring? All of them!
Caption: Max, “Let me tell you why beards and tattoos are so great…”
Isabel: 2:37 @ 115. First time.
This is incredibly accurate. Also, great job today! Definitely picked the right weight.
Isabel: 2:38 RX (5 sec off PR) strung the first 9 together #win.
Big win on those unbroken reps!
Isabel: 3:30 (115#)
0:22 PR
Nice PR! Shaving :22 off is HUGE!
Awesome PR buddy!
Isabel (@CFNE Mayhem) – 3:31 (55#) – first time
Isabel – 3:59 115#, vs 2:07@65 4/30/2015.
snatch pulls: 2×125,135,145,155,165
back squat: 3×2 225#
Great Ed! Snatches looked SMOOTH today!
2:33 (65#)
Glad the shoulder is feeling better. Well done this morning.
Isabel: 3:53 @115# first time.
Isabel: 2:32 @ 45#* first time
strung first 9 together, then did 6,5,5,5
— need to work on my breathing, couldn’t figure out when to breath except for rest
(*can do heavier next time)
10 Shoulder Shrugs on Bar
10 Knee Ups on bar
10 Kip Swings
10 shoulder presses 20# KB each side
Isabel 4:45 115
Isabel: 2:53 95# first time
This Gravatar wins everything!
Isabel: 3:47 @ 85# (sets of 3s, then 2s, starting with 21st – sets of ones)
Max’s speech guess: “When you come back through this door after this awesome run I’m sending you one – ya’ll be much fitter!”
Brian’s first full day at TILT so I let him program the first piece and it was AWESOME!
100 – 80 – 60 – 40 – 20 Double Unders
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 Snatches @ 95/135/155/185/205
– then –
Teams of 3
300 Cal Air Dyne
200 Burpees
100 Muscle Ups
Isabel: 2:36 (95#)
Couldn’t make it in today for a class.. Tried a little at home challenge I have been working up to..
Finally hit a recent goal.
100 Push Ups- 3:57
Sub 4 has been a goal for a while! Got eeeeem!
3:17 @ 95#
2:37 RX (first time doing it RX)
Started off with 105 until I hit a wall at 13 reps
stripped weight to 95
I blame Kyle’s brew over the weekend
3:54 at 115
First timer
5:32rx. Every time Max ends with a motivational speech, I want to pop champagne and cheers with it. It only feels right?
*Turns page*
Yess! Nice work, you crushed that!!!
Isabel: 2:37 Rx (PR)
Isabel: 4:05 at 55
3:29 used 80#
3:10 @ 55#
Took this on at Open Gym on Sunday. 3:17 at 40#. 1st time and loved it.
I feel very fortunate to have chatted with him a few months ago, because I took that oputorpnity to tell him how much I admired and enjoyed him. We don’t tell each other enough how much a person means to us!
Miam miam parfait pour le thé. (j’ai envie de corrompre mes copines avec un cheese cake et des scones ce week-end en les invitant pour le thé, elles sont toujours au régime c’est juste pas pols)bsei.
que vive de las rentas dice, pero tu chaval, has probado el metal gear 3? de que rentas vive ese juego? cuantos juegos habia antes de MGS3 que llevaran tan lejos la su?veviernciapsi es que es para partirse de risa. y el 4? de que rentas vive el 4?para hablar hay que saber porque sino quedas como un gilipollas.
My mom thinks I’m … My mom thinks I’m not going to go anywherebecause I spend my life on Video Games…. -.-I got honor roll,I win prizes,my GPA is 3.0,I get; A.B.&.C.sand she &#;il68st21l’ thinks that…. /:I go out with friends, I get in trouble for not coming back in time.*Even if it’s a MINUTE.I go out with my boyfriend, same thing.I stay in, she tries to get me to go outside.Mothers are confusing…. D: Was this answer helpful?
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