It was dirty in the gym until Cris came and CLEANED it.
The Punisher
3 rounds for time:
30 Burpees
30 Pull-Ups
30 Thrusters @ 75/55
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
Two weeks left in our Nutrition Challenge!!! How are you doing? Feeling awesome yet?!?! If you any questions, comments, concerns please either pull me aside before/after class or email, text, or call me.
Punisher: 19:19rx
Punisher: 23:20 Rx
Destroyed me. Still not right.
Punisher: 25:42 (75#) 1rd PU / 2rd bar rows
The Punisher 18:26
Bar pull ups
19:40 #45, 15 Pull-ups
Punisher: 17:17, 15 Strict pull-ups per round
The Punisher (Merengue @ the CFNE Mayhem): 27:43 (Bar Rows; 45#)
Punished. 23:59 rx
OTMx10 squat snatch 115
5×3 back squat 205
10kp/rw/rw 75lb
Punisher: 20:21
Bike 20 cal./RR/25#
I know why it’s called the Punisher.
15 PU’s
The Punisher – 14:38rx
OTM x 10 – 1 snatch @ 205
That is just insane…wow! Nice work Max.
1. Squat snatch EMOMx10 @155 across
2. 8×2 snatch pulls @235 across
3. 5×3 back squats @275 across
4. The Punisher: 18.40 Rx rough!
An aptly named workout for my first workout back after spending the the whole weekend away at a friend’s bachelor party…22:11 rx and felt every minute of it
That’ll teach you to go to Cleveland!
Rehab 26- Being Punished- 13:45
3 rounds
30 pushups
15 strict pull ups
30 cal bike
Punisher: 19:37 (65lb, 15 pullups)
Punisher: 18:33rx
Gonna feel that one in the mornin!
Punisher: 17:15 rx
You killed it Kyle. That was smokin fast.
Approved travel WODs in VT
50 burpees for time – 3:01
Rest 3 min
Tabata Air Squats – Held 14 for all 8 rounds
Great job on Punisher everyone!
21:36 15 pull ups each round, 45#
Oops 12/round
Punisher- 14:00 Rx gross
Totally not human…Eamon is a cyborg. Straight up.
Agreed! I’ve seen where he keeps his battery pack…
22:30 Rx
Aiming for under 20 but no dice. Next time for sure.
Thanks to Max and all for the encouragement on those last few thrusters.
Punisher: 19:54. Need to learn to butterfly. Great class Max. Super energy.
Travel WOD AMRAP 12 10 burpees 15sit-ups 7+13
17:19 RX
27:40 Rx absolutely DESTROYED me. Almost passed out on second to last set of thrusters. Spit and snot all over me. Super hot.
14:05 rx
Emom x 10 snatch work to 190#
20:27 @ 65#
Travel Wod @ Precision Crossfit.
To start: Clean Complex (there number positions are opposite than ours)
(1st Pull, 3 Sec. Hold, 2nd Pull Position 2 Sec. Hold, Full Clean, 2 Sec. Hold at the bottom of the Squat)
5 @ 60%
5 @ 65%
3 @ 70%
3 @ 70%
3 @ 70% got up to 205# and ran out of time.
“MEGATRON”: 12:47 (thought about doing 205# but I’m on “vacation”…)
For Time:
10 Back Squat 185
15 Box Jump Overs 24”
10 Squat Cleans 185
15 T2B
10 Squat Snatch 95
15 T2B
10 Squat Cleans
15 Box jump overs
10 Back squat
20:45 Rx
25:55, Ring Rows and 45# Bar. Totally destroyed by today’s WOD.
22:20 RX, reinforced the “CrossFit walk” name today
20:41 #45