Hang power cleans + pull-ups = grip smoker!
Mashed Potatoes
3 rounds of Cindy
1 round of DT
2 rounds of Cindy
1 round of DT
1 round of Cindy
1 round DT
Cindy = 5 Pull-ups/10 Push-ups/15 Air Squats
DT = 12 Deadlifts/9 Hang Power Cleans/6 Push Jerks @ 155/105
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Mashed Potatoes: 9:38 (115#)
Mashed Potatoes: 12:40 Rx
That got heavy real quick.
Mashed potatoes: 11:10 135#
11:07 95#
Box jumps instead of push jerks
Ring rows instead of pull-ups
Mashed Potatoes: 8:10 (135#)
My back is feeling better today, so I decided to move a barbell around. Still pain free 2 hours later! Now let’s see how I swing the clubs today at the Wayland Football Alumni Golf Tournament.
Boom goes the dynamite. Awesome time.
Mashed Potatoes: 9:26 (115#)
Sharp pain in right shoulder through push-ups. No Bueno.
3×8 front squat 135/135/155
5×5 strict pull ups
5×5 strict rings – stopped due to shoulder pain
Mashed potatoes
135# 10:27
Mashed Potatoes
Box push ups
Ring Rows
Masters Final from Games:
27 C2B right into 2 rounds of heavy DT (185# but NOT with an axle bar) 10:02
Cycled the cleans very well, 3-2-1 and 2-2-1-1 on the jerks. Still need work OH.
Cash out, 3 RFT of 27 cal row, 21 burpees, 15 TTB, 13 minutes? Kept slipping off rig on TTB’s.
Huge congrats to Dave Hamel and Bubba Hagood for throwing down hard and representing our community at the Games. You guys are an inspiration!!
60#, box push ups
10:15 65#
8:30 Rx
10:05 @ 115#
Mashed taters: 11:38Rx, seeing only 3 rounds of DT excited me, but the Cindy rounds sprinkled in there was giving me murph flashbacks ?
10:25 @ 95# (strict pull ups on Cindy). Could have gone heavier on the barbell.
actually got my first kip pull upin a long time
Ring rows