Open Test
50 Wallballs (20/14)
50 Double-Unders
40 Box Jumps (24/20)
40 Toes-to-Bar
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Burpees
20 Cleans (145/100)
20 Jerks (145/100)
10 Snatches (145/100)
10 Muscle-Ups
Post Scores to Comments.
Box Brief
Happy Friday! Signups for our Gymnastics Seminar go live on Monday (May 9th) at 8:30am. First 25 members to sign up will have a reserved spot! If you miss the cutoff don’t sweat it we will be hosting another seminar in June! Those who don’t get in this time around will have first priority for our next seminar.
Open Test: 265 Rx
Open Test: 280rx, 6 rep PR. Got to the snatches but couldn’t lock it out 🙁
Open Test: 261 Rx (11 rep PR)
+ PR’d: Breaking my dress shoe shoelace and going commando before leaving the BOX. Crushing this Friday. Have a great weekend all.
Thanks for showing me the commando part before you left! Made my day for sure!!
Dude everything you touch is a PR lately! I think it’s the coffee 😉
Fo Sho! On the Coffee. If this CF thing doesn’t work out I’ll go in with you on a coffee shop, it will be epic! 😉
Open Test: 282
I subbed 53# kbs for ttb and 30 strict pull-ups for c2b…rest Rx
First snatches with weight since surgery. Really pumped to put 145# up a few times. Slowly but surely…
Now I’m sleepy. Good night everyone.
super stoked for you man. that’s gotta be such a good feeling!
Congrats brother!
800 m run
Open test
282 DT / BCTB 105lb
280 RX
Finished my 20th jerk right we the buzzer. Woof!
Great pace today!
Wall ball: 14#
25 DU attempts
Knees up (mod for T2B)
Ring Rows
55# Cleans, jerks, and 2 snatches
LOVED this tough WOD
290 + 6
8# med ball
double taps
step ups
strict knees to chest
ring rows
35# cleans, jerks, snatches
6 burpee pull ups
nice! all the way to the mu-progressions. Killer chipper.
Yeah Jess!
Open test – 281, du-attempts, 95# (got 1 snatch)
Open Test
270 reps 125#
Open Test- 296 reps RX (first time doing it)
Open Test – 1+57rx
Just awesome!
Now that’s how you do it! no PR?
No PR. My PR is 17 DUs. I’ve done this workout 5 times and every time it’s awesome! Such a good mix!
278 Rx
The jerks got me!
1 + 3 RX
There ya go kiiiiid!
I’ve got to post right after the one and only Brian Jonas. I’m nervous…
Open test: 264 95#
“Travel WOD” at the station:
50 burpees for time- 3:27
These travel wods are no joke.
Home WOD:
Accessory work = Bench DB press, DB rows, Strict pull-ups, Shoulder press, shoulder flys and weighted dips & core work
MetCon: 50 Burpees for time, 3:19
Open test: 291 rx
Should’ve dialed the weight back so I could a) get more than 2 jerks at a time and b) hit a snatch
285 @100#
282 – 95#, K2E, Ring Rows
288 RX; I was chasing my snatches all over the gym and I think I was doing a stripper snatch (horrible combo). Wanted a MU so bad. Next time.
280 @55#
14# wall ball
25 double unders
Green and red band pull ups
Attempted 3 snatches, failed all 3… Next time
290 @ 85#
Just like Jackie, wanted MU so bad, had about 10 seconds to make an attempt… Next time!
Open Test: 274 (Mods: 8#WB, 50 DUA, K2C, RR, 55#)
Open Test – Completed 1 Round
50 wall balls
50 double taps
40 step ups
40 knee ups
30 ring row
30 box push ups
20 65# power clean
20 65# push jerk
10 65# power snatch
10 65# ring row