Blue Chips
21 – 15 – 9
Thrusters @ 115/80
400m Run
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Box Brief
On Memorial Day we will be holding two classes at 7am and 9am. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Blue Chips
21 – 15 – 9
Thrusters @ 115/80
400m Run
Post Times to Comments.
Box Brief
On Memorial Day we will be holding two classes at 7am and 9am. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Travel WOD: 20:00
4 rounds:
50 cal on bike
20 airsquats with 45 plate
100 push ups for time: 5:50 (first 50 in 1:05)
Blue Chips: 9:20rx
Pete Bell: “Dwayne, you can get through college half-assed. Richard, you can get through LIFE half-assed. But I’ll guarantee you boys one thing: sure as hell, I’ll guarantee you this: you cannot *win* half-assed!”
Slick: I’m not going to bu!!sh!t you Pete. He ain’t no brain surgeon all right. He took the SAT recently and scored a 520 out of a possible 1600.
Pete Bell: 520? You get 400 for just spelling your name correctly.
Slick: That’s it, he messed up on his name.
this would explain a lot for my SAT scores too…
Perfect movie line for this wod!
Blue Chips: 10:00 (95#) Hands down my best running in years. Thanks for the pace Kathy. Have a great and safe weekend all! cheers.
Blue Chips: 11:27 (65#) And I beat Hanlon. Barely (and to be honest, maybe he let me win), but either way I enjoyed the running push at the end!
Blue Chips 11:03 95
Blue Chips (@CFNE Mayhem): 11:40 (Dumbbell thrusters 20#)
Blue Chips. 9:45 #75
1. Blue Chips: 8.42 Rx (running in the heat is a killer…)
2. AMRAP 6 – 6 power snatches/6 HSPU: 7
Blue Chips: 8:32 with 30# Med Ball Cleans (30, 20, 10)
Last day of weightlifting deload for me
Snatch- 5×1@195
C/J- 5×1@250#
Back squat- 3×4@330#
Skill emom 12
Min 1- 10 strict pullups
Min 2- 10 strict ttb
Min 3- 40 double unders
“Blue Chips”- 8:00
Blue chips: 7:54 RX
Blue chips: 11:00 95#
9:06 rx
9:47 @ 95#
Blue Chips: 10:44 105#. Great workout, FANTASIC movie.
11:05 55#, row
Since I cannot make it to Friday class I did another Friday WOD in my office gym:
Deuces Wild
2,000 Meter Row
200 Double-Unders (120 DUs…these were hard to do after rowing)
2,000 Meter Run ( I rowed for 2k again)
Time: 26:43
Blue chips 21+15 @105, DNF.
Tweaked lumbar catching bounce after round 1. Lesson: open hands.
Blue chips: 9:51 @ 95#